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It was the night of Slammiversary, I was nervous over the gauntlet match but Ace wasnt help. I was getting tired of his obsession with Trey. We havent had a date in a while but he wants to play mind games with Trey. I feel like the third wheel of my own relationship.

I had a plan in mind, I managed to save up some money, all I needed was some muscle.

I found the hottest new guys, the Machine Gun Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows.

I knocked on their lounge.

The door opened and Luke looked around as if he didnt notice me.

"Excuse me."

He then looks down at me.

"I have a business proposition for you."

"Kid, you need to go find your parents."

"Im in my 20s fool! Now do you want to talk business or not?"

Suddenly Karl shows his head.

"Whats going on?"

"This kid says she got a deal for us." Gallows answers.

"Shouldnt you be with your parents?"

"Again, I am an adult woman and I can offer a lot of beer money if you can do a tiny favor for me."

"What is it?" Anderson asks.

"I got some cash, all i need you to do is make my boyfriend Ace Austin lose the championship match."

"Sounds like true love." Luke comments.

"Its for his own good, don't judge me."

"Fine, but we're not hit men." Karl spoke.

"Well I saw all that badass stuff you did in Bullet Club, I thought maybe you could do that for me."

"Fine Kid, show us the money." Karl put his hand out.

I get out some bills and hand it to them.

"You get a hundred now and the rest after the show."

After the show, I gave them the rest of the money.

"We never spoke, you hear me?"

"Whatever." Gallows says and the men walk away.

I make me way to Aces locker room.

"Baby are you okay?"

Its the Impact after Slammiversary, Ive been keeping my distance from Ace since that night so he doesnt figure that I did something to make him lose. I feel guilty but I hope this means this feud between Trey and him is over.

"Hey Baby." I greeted him as I sat next to him on the couch of his dressing room.

"Im going to confront those E rejects."

"Babe, why?"

"Are you stupid? They took my chance to become a world champion." Ace raises his voice.

"Why do you have to act like this?"

"Because not everyone is cool with losing like your dumbass."

"Okay, Im leaving." I say as I get off the couch and make my way to the door.

"Baby, baby, babe! Im sorry!" Ace jumps off the couch and rushes to me. "Please Im sorry, Im just frustrated."

"So why do you have to take it out on me?"

"Youre right, Im sorry. Im the dumbass."

"You're right."

"Please." Ace holds out his arms preparing for a potential hug.

"Okay Baby," I wrap my arms around him then he wraps his around me, "I know things have been a bit rough."

"Im going to go. Wanna come?"

"Nah, Ill stay back." I say as I pull away from him.

He simply nods his head and walks away from me, making his exit from the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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