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"I wonder where Ace Austin is watching this match." Josh Matthews spoke into his mic.

I took a walk around the backstage area, even though Wentz and Dez have finally stopped giving me the silent treatment, Trey still was stuck in his petty mode. Which was cool, he knows I can play that game too. If he wants to be petty, I can be petty-er.

I see Ace with those Reno SCUM guys and I try my best to ignore them even though I can feel all three of them staring at me. Just because I'm mad at Trey doesn't mean everything is cool between me and Ace. If anything, Ace is the reason all this went down.

I feel an arm around my waist.

I lift my hand, getting ready to slap the taste out of someone's mouth.

"Calm down, love. I just want to talk." Ace tells me as I turn around.

"I don't want to talk to you."

"Ok fine. But here." Ace holds up a gift bag. "I know purple was your mom's favorite color."

I peek inside and see a jacket or sweater thing.

"You really think this is going to charm me? That just makes you a stalker."

"I'm just hoping you'll forgive me one day." He walks away and I do as well, meeting up with Wentz and Dez.

"Hey Mel, what's that?" Wentz asks.

"Just some trash." I told him as I threw the bag in the corner.

All three of us left for their match, they let me accompany them to the ring.

After The Rascalz lose to Reno SCUM, I go backstage to grab the bag with the intention of throwing it in the trash. I took the gift out of the bag to see if it should be recycled or not and I'll be honest, it's a cute jacket.

Is that satin on the inside?

Am I bad person if I keep this?

I mean it won't mean anything if I kept it.

I'll keep it.

It's a nice jacket and it won't mean anything if I keep it. Ive kept lots of gifts I don't care about so it's no big deal.

STONER GIRLS NEED LOVE TOO! [An Impact Wrestling Fan Fiction] Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя