"And normal is what you shall have bestie." She said as she closed her locker. "I know it's been rough so I'm officially on fun patrol!"

Luna rolled her eyes, "Oh god not fun patrol."

She knew that meant that Sam was going to attempt to get Luna to try something new. Sam was the athletic one being on both dance and track but Luna was perfectly happy with her plant club, though she was having trouble getting some dahlias they had received a couple of weeks ago to bloom.

"Yes, fun patrol," Sam replied as she shut her friend's locker and took her arm. "You need a pick me up and we're gonna help you."

They walked down the hallway together, Sam strutting confidently while Luna just kept in step with her. They entered their classroom and took their usual seats near the window. Matt was already sitting there waiting for them, watching something on his phone.

He looked up when he saw them going for Luna instantly.

The two of them had been friends since they were kids and he understood more than anyone exactly what she was going through. Not only because he'd lost both of his parents himself, but because he'd watched her go through it once before. She'd stay at his house for as long as she could, his parents would send her home because of the rule that no girls were allowed to spend the night only for her to climb back in through the window and stay the night. It was never romantic, they'd always seen each other as siblings and supported each other in good times and bad.

He gave her space when he got the news because he knew she needed time even though he didn't want to. So when she walked into the classroom, he stood up and rushed to hug her. She hugged him back, letting her fingers curl into his soft black t-shirt.

He pulled back and smiled at her, his chocolate-hazel eyes filled with hope for Luna like they always were. His dimpled smile made her feel a lot better because it told her that everything was going to be okay.

She wandered to the fresh cut on his hair. "Oh no, you cut your hair?"

He pulled back and ran his hands through what used to be curly locks. "Yes, I was sick of sweating through my damn helmet."

"Ugh, I liked those curls."

She said as she walked around him to sit in her seat.

"You don't like this cut?"

"I mean I guess." she shrugged as Tristan, Sam's boyfriend entered.

Usually, he went right to his girlfriend to greet her with a kiss but he wanted to hug Luna first. Though he'd only been a part of their group for about two years, she accepted him. He came with a stamp of approval from Sam and also he was the sweetest guy you could ever meet. He always seemed to have something wise to say, maybe it was the music writing or the relaxation he felt playing guitar but Luna was glad to be his friend.

He hugged her tight, he had plenty to say but he knew that she just needed support.

With all the support she needed from her friends, she was ready to sit down and start her day.

She sat through class taking notes and occasionally talking to her friends and for a second it felt normal. Slowly everything faded away and she was just a teenager in class.

The teacher was just beginning to review their materials for midterms when there was a soft knock at the class door. A short preppy blonde woman entered the room, dressed in brightly colored but professional attire.

"Hello, I just wanted to grab Luna for a second."

Every eye in the classroom looked at her and she instantly knew what it was for. She was the school guidance counselor and she considered it her job to coach Luna through her tough time. But Luna knew she didn't need coaching, she would be fine in time.

Her legs were shaky as she stood up and walked through the rows of desks to the counselor. She ushered her outside but left the classroom door partially open, so in natural high school fashion, everyone listened in.

She stood just a little taller than Luna and took a deep breath, "I just wanted to let you know that given your recent loss if you need anyone to talk to, my door will always be open."

Luna nodded quickly trying to end the conversation as quickly as possible.

She tried to walk away but she set her hand against her arm to stop her. "Seriously, we all know what you're going through and we are understanding..."


"Your teachers and myself. We know this must be hard for you and that..." her words faded away from Luna.

She suddenly felt like everyone in school was watching her and it made her want to throw up. She peered over her shoulder and noticed everyone, including her friends staring at her through the open slit in the door.

She abandoned her backpack, needing only the cellphone in her pocket, and ran off down the hallway. Sam instantly got out of her seat to run after her best friend. Matt stood to run to but Sam waved her down with a quick 'I got this.'

"Luna, wait!"

Luna tried to dodge her as students emptied into the hallway but she was quick as she shoved her way through underclassmen.

She caught up with her best friend, placing a firm grip on her arm.

"Luna, don't run. You know how people are, they will do anything to be involved in shit. Don't let it get to you."

"No, Sam, I can't take this." She said, holding the cry in her throat. "I can't take theme all staring at me and feeling sorry for me."

"Who gives a fuck what they think?? They are nothing but the 'theys'. The people that don't matter at the end of the day and you shouldn't give a damn what they think!"

She was right, Luna was always so conscious of the people around her and what they might have been thinking that it often led her to talk herself out of things before she even tried them. After everything she went through with her mother the first time, she hated to feel embarrassed or that someone was feeling sorry for her for any reason, big or small.

People ducked around them as she tried her hardest not to cry, even though her heart was begging for the release.

"Holy shit," Sam exclaimed quietly as she rummaged through her pockets for a tissue. She pulled out the Starbucks napkin she used to blot her lipstick, folded it away from the stain, and pressed it to her friend's nose. "You're bleeding."

Luna couldn't respond because the sound of metallic banging echoed through the hallway.

Everyone stopped and stared at the pipes that were the emergency sprinkler system. But they weren't staring for long because they exploded with water, raining down on everyone and everything. The students burst into chaos, some running to safety, others splashing and shouting with glee.

Sam went to duck under a doorway to protect her hair and the products it contained. She tried to grab Luna but she pushed away from her grip and ran.

"Luna!" Sam tried to run after her but slipped in a puddle. As she fixed her sneaker back onto her foot, she scanned the crowd but Luna was already gone. 

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