"Where are you Sakura?"


Sakura was walking trying to make conversation with the two Anbu ninjas who were with her. These guys were worse than two statues and no matter how hard she was trying to speak they just wouldn't answer with more than two words. She eventually gave up after asking them if they could stop for a little break. It was dark out and she just wanted to get some rest. They nodded and let her sit on her own while they both stood away from her to guard the area.

The man looked behind him and saw the other Anbu ninja. Unlike him, the other one was really working for the Hokage. He rolled his eyes internally laughing at the blindness of Konoha. They couldn't even see that one of their own personal security had been killed and that he took his body. His bosses told him that Konoha had a habit of believing that they were safe when they weren't. They were always relying on how strong of a nation they were but by doing that, they were forgetting the basis of how to keep a village safe.

He swiftly walked up behind the other Anbu man and as soon as he got there, the masked man turned around. The traitor took a kunai out of his pouch.

"Is there something wrong?" the person of him asked in a low voice.

"Yes." the kunai quickly moved to the side of his neck and planted itself there. The blood was spurting out of the Anbu's neck. It landed on the mask of the traitor. "I have a mission and your in my way." his voice was cold.

A quiet guttural sound came out of the Anbu man as he died slowly in his hands. He put him on the floor when he heard Sakura's voice.

"Hey, is something happening?" he rolled his eyes.

"No, everything is fine."

With a malicious smile, he walked up to her. She smiled at him.

"Where is the other one?" she seemed to be looking over his shoulder.

"He's making sure that no one is attacking us. Here, drink something."

"Oh thank you! I totally forgot to fill up my water when I left Sasuke's location."

She grabbed the bottle and he watched her as she drank it. When she was done, she put down the bottle and the man knew that she only had a few seconds left. The woman in front of him started to cough. Her hand moved to her throat and she breathed with difficulty.

"Ah Sakura Uchiha." he laughed. "Your husband always thought that he was the target but you were. We needed you to lure him out so thank you for making it easier for us. Your love for him is what will cause your death or his."

"Who are you and..."

She fell on the floor and her voice disappeared in a cough.

"You shouldn't concern yourself with that, it doesn't matter. All you need to know is that your beloved village has been infiltrated, your husband is going to come after you and we will finally take his eyes. Don't worry, we'll make sure to keep your daughter alive until she is old enough to have her own Sharingan. We will make a new Uchiha clan and we need those eyes for that. We can experiment on one of them until we are able to re-create one."

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