school break

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A week goes by and it time for a week break. Shinso was dreading it. Since he hasn't been at home for a while his father won't hold back. The boy didn't really need to pack anything since he didn't bring much. He just packed stuff like a picture of his whole family when they were happy, charger, headphones, razor, uniform, school books and toothbrush. He shoved it all into his back and left. It was late. Really late. His idea was to leave late so when he got home his father would be asleep so i could stay up all night doing his homework. It was about 1am when he left. Most of his classmates were asleep. He walked out of the campus and he was in school grounds but just before he could leave he got court by Mr.Aizawa.

PoV of Aizawa
I was walking along the halls making sure everyone was in their dorms when i see a familiar figure with an oversized hoodie covering their face. "Shinso?" I say making him flinch. He looks up at me,slowly removing the hood from his eyes. "What are you doing here so late?" I ask. He sighs "im going home for break sir" if i wasn't concerned before i am now. "Shinso its gone 1 in the morning. Why so late?" I saw Shinso pulling his hood back down covering his eyes. "My father works late. If i leave in the morning i wont be able to get in. I must go before i miss him and im stuck outside" he was about to walk off but i grabbed his hand gently. "Shinso i don't want you out this late, its not safe plus you're wearing all black so it'll be easy for you to be missed and get run over or something. If you really have to go now I'm coming with you" i say in a firm tone. Shinsos breathing increases and tears begin forming in his eyes. He puts his hands behind him trying to open the door. He feels the door handle and pushes it out and begins to run.

At that moment i knew i had to follow him. He is clearly hiding something. I run out the door and use my scarf to get up on the roof and followed him. At first i couldn't find him but then i spotted a small strand of purple hair. After about half an hour i saw him arriving at a small house and i saw him pull out keys. He opened the door and froze. Then a tall man came out with a glass bottle and hit Shinso over the head with it then pushed him inside.

I immediately jumped from the roof and knocked on the door but no answer. I sighed knowing there's nothing i could do to help. I started to walk away when the door opened. "Hello?" A deep and grumpy voice said. I turned back around to see a man with purple hair. "Ah hello sir,i was just passing by and i heard a large crash and when i passed here there was glass all over your porch." I lied.

I saw the man's eyes widen. "Oh um i was taking out some bottles and i dropped 1. Anyway bye good night." And then the man slammed the door.

PoV of Shinso
I slowly walked home with the feeling i was being watched. I finally came to my small house and took out my keys and opened the door. I then saw my father standing there with a glass bottle in his hand. Without a warning he smashed it over my head. I felt nauseous and i didn't move. My father then pushed me inside. I landed on the floor and he began kicking me. Almost immediately the door knocked. Father went to the kitchen to was away the blood and he told me to go to my room.

I went upstairs and i heard talking. I didn't pay much attention and i began my homework. Suddenly i heard the door slam. I ignored it and finished my English work. Once i was done i noticed something dripping from my head. "Fuck its blood" i mumbled so nobody could hear. I got up and rushed to my bathroom and looked in mirror. The roots of my purple hair were red and there was blood dripping down my face. "Ugh all i wanted to do is come home and do my homework" i said while putting the shower on.

I took my clothes of and hopped in the shower. The cold water stung me horribly but the blood stained the water red and my hair came back to my normal color. Once it was all out i turned off the shower and got out,got dressed and finished off all my homework.

The next morning (still Shinsos PoV)
I woke up at my desk with my school folder and a pounding head ache. I looked at my phone and it was 13:30 (1:30pm for my american folk) i knew my father was at work so i had the day to myself till 6. I went downstairs for some medicine when i got a message from kaminari.

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