getting to know

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PoV of aizawa
I haven't known Shinso that long but he doesn't seem like the type to forget things that quickly. "Ok class now we will be splitting you up into groups with a teacher. There will be 5 groups of 4. This is so we can get to know each other better."

Me (Aizawa)





I got together with my group at the back. "Alright let's start with saying our full names and something we enjoy I'll start. My name is Shota Aizawa and i like to sleep. Kaminari your turn." I said in an happy tone. "Uh my name is denki kaminari and i like to skateboard" i smile "ok tokoyami next" he looks at me like he wants to curse me or something. "My name is Fumikage Tokoyami and i like not doing this" he says in a pretty annoyed tone. I pin point that for later and nod at Shoji "my name is Mezu Shoji and i like climbing trees and staying there for hours" i again pin point that for later and look at Shinso. "Uh my name is Hitoshi Shinso and i like insert mumbling" i couldn't hear him. "Uh what was the last part?" I asked. He sighed. "My name is Hitoshi Shinso i like um playing the g- i mean uhh reading and writing i guess" i again pin point that.

"Ok well we are going to learn a lot about each other in this session. I want you to write down on a piece of paper things like what your favorite color is, favorite season,favorite song, favorite lesson or anything of the sort." I gave them all a paper and a pen and they began to write. About 10 minutes later they were all done and i told them in order of kaminari tokoyami shoji then shinso to read them out.

"My favorite color is like a yellowish orange. My favorite season is Spring. My favorite song is Victorious by Panic at the disco. My favorite lesson is science because i like experience. My favorite animal is the monkey."

"My favorite color is black. My favorite season is autumn. My favorite song is teenager by my chemical romance. My favorite lesson is history because i sit in the back alone." I want him to add something extra. "Could you tell us something that i didn't tell you to write?" He rolls his eyes at me. "If you couldn't tell i like to be left alone" i sighed knowing i wasn't gonna get much more out of him.

"Uh my favorite color is dusty blue. My favorite season is autumn. My favorite song is um insert whisper. M-my favorite lesson is math because uh I-im go-good with uh numbers. I um my best friend is t-to-toko-tokoyami" i didn't hear what his favorite song was. "Uh Shoji could you repeat your favorite song again?" He look down and i could tell he was nervous. "My favorite song is... This is home by cavetown" i opened my eyes in shock as i saw tokoyami put his hand on shojis shoulder. "Shoji stay with me after class. Tokoyami you can stay with him if you want." (YES I AM MAKING SHOJI TRANS BECAUSE HE IS MY THIRD FAVORITE CHARACTER AND MY NON BINARY POSSIBLY PANGENDER ASS HAS A PROBLEM)

"My favorite color is grey. My favorite season is winter. My favorite song is Insomnia by Kamelot. My favorite lesson is art because i like anything with a pencil on paper. I like to look out the window for hours on end"

I smile because everyone is done. "Alright now I'm going to have a one on one conversation with each of you about something that worries me in each of you. Starting with you tokoyami. The rest of you can talk but do not listen in." I see tokoyami roll is eyes while the others move away and start talking.

A: ok tokoyami what worries me with you is how distant you are from everyone and how you scare people.

T: ok?

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