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the "bed" wasn't so bad, it was expertly weaved and was a few layers thick, the teen didn't rely have the luxury of making many so he made a wide one, sephiroth was sure he didn't realize the implication when he made it, no it would dawn on him right as they were going to sleep.

this amused the general greatly, the poor young man would panic and get flustered.

cloud, what a name it strangely suited him and Sephiroth murmured to himself while the blond set up a dew collector, not wanting to run out of water before he started to explore the island, though they did have a few gallons of water it wasn't infinite.

sephiroth was wondering about the shelter, he didnt see why the young man would bother if they had a tent eventually he voiced his question and the blond blushed.

"well i dont have a good tolerance for heat, i grew up in snowy mountains, the shelter will help keep the tent and the immediate area cool, and help lesson the amount of sunburn i am expecting to have, also with you unable to move i didnt want you to overheat."

Serphiroths eyes narrowed, the other man made it sound like it was mostly for himself but sephiroth got the feeling the last point was the main reason. he didnt think he was lying but he also felt that he was trying to play off his concern,

"i see, how are the rations?"

the young man sat up straighter.

"there is a decent amount but i dont know how long we will be here, i would like to start setting traps and having a look around soon i dont want to wait until we need it to start looking."

cloud was going pink under the approving look sephiroth sent his way.

"you grew up in the mountains, is that how you have so many survival skills?"

cloud smiled.

"yeah, i used to go hunting for ma, she was always the homely type and was struggling to make ends meat when dad died, she didnt approve but i didnt give her a choice, almost got myself killed several times, do or die i suppose, none of the village wanted to teach me so i did it myself through trial and error"

the silver haired man slowly nodded contemplating this young man, he would make a good subordinate, maybe he could get him a mentor zack? sephiroth shuddered, no he was a man-child who didnt even finish his paperwork unless tied down with the threat of Mesmune.

he supposed he was being a bit harsh, the man was sociable and good at his job just not paperwork, he would consider, after all the man was a close friend especially with angeal and genesis being on the rocks with him at the moment.

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