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cloud's mind was racing as he broke down the rabbit he had caught he hadn't had much time before now to really think about anything past what he had to do.
but now it strayed to the man in the tent, sephiroth the man he had been crushing on forever and the reason he joined soldier, even injured he was magnetic, on the plane cloud had nearly passed out when the seat he was shoved into happened to be where the sliver general decided to sit next to, cloud knew that was the only reason he was alive right now, a fluke.
but cloud wasn't about to waste the opportunity either, he would show the man he was qualified to be in soldier and he would take the opportunity to burn the man into memory, the softest hair he had ever touched, like a wave of silver that brushed against him and the strong tall body even in its current state a masterpiece.
the blond shook himself off noticing he had started cooking on auto piolet.

the man managed to weakly eat himself which was a good sign cloud had been worried.
it suddenly dawned on him however that there was only one bed and his eye shot open the whites visible as he processed his stupidity!

sephiroth smirked greatly amused when he saw clouds face turn to horror the young man looked ready to pass out, the silver general almost laughed at the sight he decided to tease him because he turned such a lovely shade of pink.

"Are you ready for bed cloud? i should warn you im a cuddler"

he hadn't really cuddled with anyone ever but the look on the other male's face was worth it, cloud never got a verbal response out but still ended up on the bedding at sephiroth's bidding.

out of curiosity and the perfect opportunity to try sephiroth moved close to the other and mimicked what he thought cuddling was.
wrapping his arms around the other careful of his injured arm he leaned in and closed his eyes full body contact.

....this was amazing, just quietly touching someone awoke something deep and primal in sephiroth, the contact he had so craved as a child welling up and he nuzzled into cloud and stayed still pretending to sleep as his mind raced.

no one touched sephiroth and now he wished that someone had done it years ago, one thing was certain sephiroth was done with Genasis's bull shit, the man claimed to love both him and Angeal and couldn't choose yet had never even tried to touch sephiroth the awkward kiss aside, sephiroth realized that it wasn't love on his part, just possessive grip to hold on to one of the few emotional attachments he had, and genesis probably didn't love him in a romantic way, not really or they would hug and touch more.
I have been so blinded, I have seen genesis and Angeal hug yet never have I been embraced.
the internal dialogue was affecting sephiroth more than he thought when he suddenly felt arms around himself and cloud turned over looking worried.

"what's wrong sephiroth?"

the silver general took a deep breath and threw caution to the wind, they were on an island alone he might as well take advantage of the intimacy.

"I just realized that my love wasn't real love and human contact feels more amazing than i ever could have imagined, I'm sorry cloud"

the young man blinked slowly and then laughed.

"it really does, doesn't it..hey we could if you wanted that is spending time touching, I like it and you clearly need it so um well"

he wouldn't look at sephiroth but his arms didn't let go of him either.

"I would like that cloud, let's get some sleep it's late"

they silently laid there slowly falling asleep in an embrace sephiroth's tears were gone whisked away by clouds shirt.

cloud's mind was racing, the rumor was that genesis was bouncing between Sephiroth and Angeal but if what he said was true and what cloud observed then the man was just playing with sephiroth, the man had cried over a hug how more precious can he be, cloud nodded he would not just take advantage to get into soldier but also sweep in and snag sephiroth for himself, sorry genesis you snooze you lose, cloud tightened his arms and nuzzled into the silver locks.

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