Untitled Part 7

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I awoke from a nightmare, I was lost in a fiery blaze with no end and no escape, to my phone ringing and vibrating on the nightstand, close to falling off the edge. Exhaling, to calm myself, I grabbed my phone and looked at the screen.

A text from Barbie read "did you two have a good date?"

It was too early for texting so I hit the little green phone Icon and held the phone to my ear, waiting for her to pick up.

"Good morning, sleepy head!" Barbie's voice sang into my ear.

"He's blind," I said bluntly.

She knew instantly what I was talking about. "Did I forget to tell you that?" she said jokingly, knowing she did on purpose. I sighed but didn't answer her. "If I would have told you you wouldn't have gone, right?" she said, losing her joking tone.

In my mind I shouted "of course, I would have gone," but my lips spoke the truth. "No, I probably wouldn't have." It wasn't that I had a thing about blind people – or any disabled person for that matter – it was just the awkward moments, when something is said or done, that make you question if you just offended them.

"And, because I left out that little detail you went and had a good time with Alek," she cooed, proud of herself.

"An amazing time," I corrected, with a stupid grin across my face. "But, yes, you're right and I thank you for doing that."

"Yes yes," she said, my gratitude feeding her matchmaker ego. "Now, tell me all the details of the date."

I told her everything that happened, every detail, as if I was back on the date with Alek. I told her about how great the date was going and then about how I was such an asshole making him take off his shades. She chuckled and I barked through the phone at her, "You could have saved me, him, us both, from that if you would have just told me he was blind when I got to the restaurant, not just sending me a cryptic text!"

"Oh, don't get your tail in a knot," she giggled. "You'll laugh about it someday, just like I'm doing now." I'm not so sure about that, I thought, feeling the same regret as when I'd yelled at him to take off his shades. "So, is there going to be another date between you two?" Barbie asked her tone serous now.

"I still have to call him to set up our next date," I said and then added, "that is if he still wants to go out with me."

"Oh he does," Barbie said knowingly.

I jerked up, spinning, sitting on the edge of the bed, my legs dangling over the side. "You talked to him?" I asked in a rush.

"Maybe," she dragged to word out, long and slow.

"Tell me?" I begged greedily. "What did he say?"

"That's for me to know," Barbie said, not giving in. "I will tell you, though, don't watch your words so much, I know you did last night, he hates it when people do that around him," she said sternly.

God, I did do that. "Noted," I said, making a huge billboard size of a mental note.

"He really likes you, Ken," Barbie said lightly into the phone, "just don't over think everything and screw it up."

"I really like him too," I whispered back.

Barbie gasped and a light smack echoed through her end as she growled, "Stop it! I'm on the phone!" and then she was in a fit of giggles. "Let me know when the date is and I see if I can get someone to cover for you at the club," she yelled into the phone, from a distance, and then squealed before the line went dead.

Sounds like she had a good night and was about to have a good morning as well, I thought as I flopped back on my bed, my arms above my head. "He likes me," I said and my heart fluttered as another stupid grin pulled at my lips. I squeezed my eyes shut and reminisced about Alek, the things about him that I noticed first, in order, his heavenly voice – a sound that swam around in my ears and drowned out every other sound – his light touch – I rubbed my fingers over where he'd touched, trying to imitate his. It wasn't the same – his fluent Italian – I let the moan from the date escape my lips as I replayed him saying "sei bello" to me – his silk-like fur – milk grinding against and flowing with blood, I traced out the line where the two colors collided on his neck on my own – his eyes...

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