Untitled Part 1

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"Kent, can I speak with you for a moment, in my office?" the boss asked, standing in the doorway to his office.

"Sure thing," I quickly replied, peaking over the walls of my small – very small – cubicle, catching a glimpse of his orange and white fur, covered with black stripes. "Just let me finish up here."

He nodded and turned back into his office, closing the door half way.

I didn't blink or look away from the monitor except to look at the keys - typing was something I wasn't really that good at. My fingers tapped away on the keyboard as I hurried to finish and not keep him waiting any longer than necessary. Feeling like I had reached a good point in which I could stop, I sighed and saved everything I had written. The chair's wheels squeaked as I rose from it and I made my way through the maze of cubicles to the boss's office.

Gently I knocked on the frosted glass door. "You wanted to talk to me?" I asked as I looked in through the half opened door.

"Yes, come in." said the boss, his focus on something else.

He was shuffling through some papers at his desk as I pushed open the door and stepped in.

"Shut the door and sit down." he said, finding the papers he was looking for.

I did as he said, closing the door behind me and taking a seat in one of the two chairs in front of his desk. A quiet hiss of air escaped from under the chairs leather as I settled into it.

His focus turned to me as he looked at me, his ears lowering slightly. "Kent, you've been with us for...?" he said in a low mechanical voice, like he'd asked this question many times before.

Oh god. Those words, the words you hear right before you get fired. "Next month will be three and a half years." I answered, feeling my chest grow tight. Swallowing the lump in my throat I asked nervously "A-am I getting fired?"

He let out a sigh. "Unfortunately yes, we have to let you go." He said quietly.

"Why?!" I shouted, jumping up out of the chair, almost tipping it over. "Did I do something wrong?! Is that the reason that I'm getting fired?!" I demanded to know, but my mouth didn't let him answer. "Because after that incident with Dan, last year, I haven't done anything wrong at work, I followed all the damn rules! All I do is show up on time and I do my job to the best of my abilities! Granted I'm not the best at it, but I do try and that's more than I can say for most others who work here!"

Clenching my jaw shut, I forced myself to stop before I said anything to get anyone else in trouble or worse, in the same position I'm in right now, getting fired. Huffed breathes hissed through my teeth as my lips twitched in the form of a snarl.

His voice didn't change, no rise in tone or anger towards my outburst, he probably already knew that was going to happen. He just spoke in the same mechanical way that he started this conversation.

"That's not it." He said standing up slowly. "We're going through some budget cuts." He gestured to the papers sprawled out on his desk. "The company thinks we're spending too much at this branch of the business and now they want me to take care of it..." He looked down shaking his head. "And I have to do it in their way." His emotions gave way, showing the anger and frustration he had towards the higher-ups. "The fastest and easiest way they know how to save money... to fire people." He looked up at me, a play of emotions running across his face. "I don't want to fire anyone... If it were up to me, I'd find some other way to make ends meet in this branch, but they won't let me."

His words were genuine, but I wasn't really listening to what he said - of cores I wasn't, I was getting fired in that moment.

"Budget cuts?!" I snapped. "That's why I'm getting fired! That's bullshit!"

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