Untitled Part 6

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Three months have passed since everything with Mike; things were good, not great just... good. Except for my sex life, that was all but extinct, even I neglected to touch myself, brushing it off and lying to my member, telling it "I'll take care you later" and never doing it. The only guy I had in my bed, in those three months, was Brian and that was only after I got plastered celebrating my birthday. He had to drive me home, rush me up to my apartment and hold me over the toilet so I could barf out my guts. We stumbled as he tried to put me into bed and we fell on it together, me on top of him. I smiled down at him. "I finally got you into my bed," I said to him, in a drunken slur, "now what are we going to do?" He laughed and pushed me off of him and that was the last thing I remembered that night.

"Can you do me a favor," Barbie asked with pleading eyes, adding, "For a friend?"

"Ah... sure," I said questionably, knowing she could ask anything. "What is it?"

"Will you go out on a date with him?" she asked bluntly.

Not what I was expecting, maybe to help them move, but, definitely, not that.

"Barbie, you know I-" I started.

Barbie cut in. "I know, I know," she said. "You've given up on the male species, well, except for the unattainable," she gestured to Brian. "Please," she begged. "You might have given up on them, but he's just finally willing to give them a chance and I don't want him to get hurt... you know how that is."

That one hit home and she knew it. I sighed, giving in. "Alright," I said. "But just a date, nothing more nothing less," I stated. "When is this date anyways," I asked, shaking my head and rolling my eyes, not at her but at me for caving so easily.

She looked at her phone and said "in about thirty minutes."

"What!" I exclaimed.

"Yup!" she chirped. "So you better get going," she said as she pushed me towards the door.

"That doesn't leave me any time to change," I protested.

"You don't have to," she countered, "you look great!"

"Where is this date even supposed to be at?" I asked, craning my neck to look back at her. "And how am I going to know who to look for?"

She had stopped pushing me as I continued walking to the door. "It's at my favorite Italian restaurant, you know the one" she cooed. "And he'll be the fox sitting alone. You won't miss him. Trust me!"

Well at least I knew where it was and what species he was, though I did wish I had a little more information about the guy, so I wasn't going in blindly. I hated blind dates and she knew, but I have to go on one now because she knows I have a hard time saying no to her.

Fifteen minutes of driving later, I was rolling past Barbie's favorite restaurant, Italiano Cucina Casalinga. Early, I know. Maybe I was in a rush to meet him or maybe I was just in a rush to get the surprise date over with, I don't know, but my nerves were all on end. I didn't want to seem desperate, showing up so early, so I drove around the block, twice, burning up twenty minutes.

I took off my vest and tie, because I felt overdressed with them on, and through tem in the back seat, before I got out and handed the keys over to the valet. Undoing the top button of my shirt, I exhaled and walked into the restaurant. Realizing Barbie forgot to mention one very important piece of information; I pulled out my phone and shot her a quick text.

"What's his name?"

"You haven't asked him yet?" she shot back instantly.

I could see her giggling as she typed and sent the message.

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