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"Can we go for a walk, my Jacob?" Renesmee has asked me. I nodded with a grin.

Renesmee was celebrating her birthday, now eight years old, was what Carlisle had estimated. She had gotten bored from the constant hovering and took me hand, dragging me out the door.

Leah had followed behind us and sped up to walk next to me. I couldn't believe she had put on a dress for Nessie's birthday. Leah hated dresses and looking nice. I was surprised she even had dresses from her constant uncontrollable phasing.

I held Renesmee's hand, not saying anything because she looked like she was deep in thought. I nudged Leah's arm and pointed to the river, across from us.

I sent her a grin, and she immediately grinned back at me. "Last one in the river takes over the other's patrol tonight!" She yelled and bolted.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, letting go of Nessie's hand and sprinting after her. "You got a head start!"

Leah jumped in the river and emerged a second later, only to get knocked down back into the water by me.

I popped out and grinned at Renesmee who sat on the bed of the river and smiled at us. "Come on in, it isn't that cold," I told her, swimming over to her.

"I'm okay, my Jacob," she smiled. "Auntie Alice will kill me if I get this outfit dirty."

I only shrugged at her and swam underneath the water, picked up Leah on my shoulders and then jumped and fell backwards into the water as she shrieked.

I laughed when he both got up and she smacked my arm and chest. I sent her a lopsided grin and she only growled.

"You're the one who raced me here," he said with a shrug.

"Yeah, yeah, at least I get a break from patrol tonight," she snapped back, but a grin was still on her face as she pushed the hair from her face.

"Ness, you wanna come to the bonfire tonight?" I asked her, looking over in her direction.

"Yes, let me ask my father, but I'm sure it will be okay," she said.

I nodded and grinned at her, pushing Leah slightly back. "Good, you can meet my date," Leah hummed.

"Didn't you just dump some guy last week?" I asked, looking back at her.

She only shrugged at me.

I scoffed. "Nice, Lee. I don't even know why you date those losers. It's not like it's gonna be serious with them. And none of them can compete with your stamina." I coughed. "If you know what I mean." I gave her a cheeky grin and she only glared, smacking me once more.

"Aw, shut up, Jake. You're gonna be nice tonight. Okay? No scaring him off. Promise me?"

I rolled my eyes. "Sure, sure. What's his name this time? Something like Bob, or—or John?"

Leah growled at me. "No. It's Matt, actually. And he's really nice. So you better be good. You too, Ness!"'she called out. Nessie gave her a thumbs up and I chuckled.

"Whatever. I bet he's shorter than you."

"He's not—okay, maybe by an inch," she muttered.

"Tell me you didn't measure the guy!" I laughed at her. I watched as her expression heated up and Renesmee giggled as well.

"No, I didn't. I simply asked how tall he was," she stated, crossing her arms, which caused her cleavage to accumulate.

I bit my tongue and made sure my eyes didn't wander down. When she looked away for a second, I looked down, sucked in a sharp breath and then looked down at the water.

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