Meet the Marionette

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We successfully made it into the spare parts room. Foxy and Freddy are leaned up against the counter chatting. They heard me come in and looked behind them.  

"(y/n)!" They both exclaimed and scurried over the table almost falling on the floor to get to me. They both wrapped me in their arms lifting me off the ground. I giggled as I got sandwiched by them.

"Hai," I said still giggling. 

"We missed you Lassie!" Foxy exclaimed.

"I missed you guys too." They set me back down. "I came in early to start working on Chica and Bonnie."

"I think that's a good idea, especially if the new animatronics try to attack us tonight, again," Freddy said. I nodded my head rolled up my sleeves and got to work. I first started working on Bonnie. It took me a few hours, I looked up at the clock, it's 9:45. I flipped Bonnie's switch and he jolted up, awake and alert. 

"(y/n)?" I nodded my head. He immediately switched to his human form and tackled me to the ground holding onto me tightly. I could feel wet hot tears drop onto my neck. I tried to sit up but couldn't. Bonnie got off me plopping onto the ground, panting a little, a steady stream of tears rolling down his face. I crawled over to him and wiped away the tears from his face. "Wait, did you fix me?" I nodded my head. 

"Yeah, I did, you were pretty banged up." 

"They didn't even shut me off before they tore me apart!" He shouted. He sat there silently still crying.

"I'm sorry Bunny," I wrapped my arms around him while he cried. After a while I let go and sat back on my feet. "I got to get working on Chica, okay?" I wiped away his tears again. He nodded his head. I walked over to Chica and started working on her. I finished her just as my shift started.

"What? What happened?" She asked waking up and shifting. 

"You got attacked and I had to fix you up." Her eyes widened as I assumed she remembered what happened. 


"Calm down Chica!" Foxy snapped. She glared at him.

"Okay before we tear each other apart, we gotta find mangle and the marionette tonight, okay?" They all nodded their heads. "I might have to stay with Mike and Vincent so I don't know if I'll be able to help, I gotta go now, I'll find you guys before I leave, Okay?" They all nodded their heads and I headed out. I walked down the hall and entered the office area, Mike is sitting at the office chair and Vincent is sitting on one of the fold-able chairs. 

"It's arrived," Mike said leaning back in his chair. 

"Indeed it has," I replied. 

"Were you able to get them fixed up?" Mike asked. I nodded my head and walked over leaning over Mike to look at the tablet, completely ignoring Vincent. But much to my dismay Vincent hovered over Mikes other shoulder. Luckily Mike shrugged him off. I was there for about an hour before I got up to go find the others. 

"I'm gonna go find the others now," I stated. 

"I'll come with," Vincent offered.

"No thanks, I'll be good on my own." I started backing up slowly. 

"I insist darling," He said with a giant grin. "Who knows if one of the toy animatronics are out there just waiting."

"No thanks." 

"You really shouldn't be out there alone." He got up to approach me but Mike pulled him back.

"If you're really concerned about (y/n) then I'll go with her, you watch the cameras," Mike said. Vincent gave him a confused look but stayed back. I don't know what he's trying to do but he gives me creepy vibes. Me and Mike walked off to go find the others. 

"I want to stop and see if the Marionette is out," I said. Mike nodded his head and we walked to the room. I looked around, balloon boy is gone and I can see Bonnie and Chica waiting next to the box. 

"Hey guys," I said approaching them. 

"Hey (y/n)" They said.

"So anything?" 

"No, nothing," Bonnie said. 

"We let the box wind down and it's stayed like that," Mike stated. I walked over and knocked on the top of the box.

"Anyone home?"

"Depends on who's asking," A husky tired voice came from the box. 

"My name is (y/n)"

"So you're not one of the animatronics?"

"No I am not." The box cracked open and I can see a pair of white eyes peering out. 

"The animatronics gotta go," He said.

"We aren't going anywhere!" Chica snapped. 

"Then I'm not coming out," He said stubbornly. 

"Go on guys, I have Mike with me, I'm sure we'll be alright." They eyed the puppet suspiciously and with a small sigh they left. The puppet popped out of his box, he's lanky looking kind of like Foxy. Everything about him seems sharp, purple streaks come down from his eyes to his jawline. His black shaggy hair just barely avoids his eyes. He's wearing a tight fitting jester looking outfit. 

"So, why are you here?" He asked neatly folding his hands in front of him as if he means business. 

"I'm here to ask you some questions," I said.


"Well my friends were attacked the other night, by the new animatronics, and we were told you're the guy to talk too."

"Well you've come to the right place, what would you like to know?"

"Let me just cut to the chase then, do you know why the new animatronics attacked my friends?"

"Well I don't think I have an exact answer for that, but I might have a way to help you."

"And that is?"

"Well it's actually stupidly easy, you just gotta turn them off before the night starts, unlike your friends there," He pointed to the door way and I can see Chica and Bonnie peering in. They stepped back as if I hadn't already seen em. "These ones are soulless, so you just gotta flip the switch problem solved." 

"It's really that easy?" He nodded is head.

"Now if you'll leave me be, I have things to attend to."

"What things could you possibly have to tend to?"

"Why don't you come in and see?"


AY! Before you move on could you please leave a comment if the Marionette should stay as a boy or be switched to a girl. I can fix the chapters afterwards. But anyways I hope you liked this chapter. Now sadly I must bid you adieu *disappears in a cloud of purple smoke*

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