First Night

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The weird zoo entrance thing is completely gone. Instead it's replaced by a foyer and metal detectors. Probably for the safety of the kids. We walked through a childish looking room. A torn up animatronic lays on the ground surrounded by metal bits fur and presents. Why didn't the janitors take care of this before they left? Hopefully these guys don't come alive. I gave the animatronic a wave and a 'hello' before moving. Straight through Kid Cove is a giant room. To the right of me looks to be a prize corner with a giant present sitting next to it. I looked to my right and there is a game area. They've somehow managed to fit a small carousal in here. There's also an all too human kid animatronic with a sign that says balloons and a balloon in his other hand. I looked up at the new stage, all the new animatronics are up there. They're much brighter and cleaner, definitely better designs for the kids but I can't say that I like them. 

"I don't like these new models," Freddy leaned down and basically whispered it into my ear. I shivered but controlled it. 

"Be nice," I whispered back. I gave all the animatronics a wave. "Hi, I'm (y/n) we're here for the night shift so please don't give us any trouble, that would be delightful, thank you," I said before moving on. 

"What was that about?" Freddy asked. 

"Just being careful," I said. We walked past the bathrooms. At the end of this hall is a parts and service room. I peered into to see a hunched over animatronic in there, why didn't I see that at the old pizzeria? It doesn't look new. Goldie looked over my shoulder then pulled me back. 

"How about we continue," He said basically pushing me down the next hallway. A few doors lined the hallway and at the end I could see a guy sitting in a swivel chair. I started making my way down the hallway. The guy looked up and looked like he'd just seen a ghost.

"What're you doing around them!?" He shouted at me. 

"These guys are okay!" I shouted back and kept walking forward. 

"They better fucking be!"

"Stop shouting or I'll sick the one with pointy teeth on you," I said as I walked through the open entry way. He gave me a glare. I stuck my hand out across the desk.

"I'm (y/n)," I said. 

"Nice to meet you, I'm Mike," He said shaking my hand with a mound of confidence. He eyed the animatronics carefully. I grabbed a folded chair and opened it up sitting down next to Mike. He looks about an average height, about 5'9. Shaggy brown hair that's a lot messier than Freddy's, and blue eyes. He's wearing the same uniform as me. Which really isn't shocking. The animatronics all stood around awkwardly. I looked over at the time, it's 12:01. 

"Why don't you guys go explore," I said, making a shooing motion. They grumbled and left. 

"Those things listen to you?" Mike asked. I nodded my head. "Well, I mean, they did try to kill me once."

"Well it's a lot more complicated than that, you worked here before?" He nodded his head.

"Obviously I quit, don't you think it's weird the other guy isn't here?" He asked looking around. 

"What other guy?"

"The manager told me we're going to have another night guard," Mike said. 

"Weird, he didn't tell me that, huh." Then it was silent for a while. Just sitting there doing nothing but watching him flip through the cameras.

"Hey, can you go wind up the Marionettes box please?"

"The what?"

"You know that big box in the prize corner?" He asked. I nodded my head. "That has an animatronic on it and on the side is a winding thing, go wind the box up please." I nodded my head and headed off. Soon enough Bonnie was by my side.

"What are you doing (y/n)?" He asked walking beside me. 

"Going to wind up the Mari- Ma- the big box," I said forgetting the animatronics name. 

"Oh cool, can we hang out afterwords?" He asked.

"I really wish I could Bonnie, but I got a job to do, okay?" He hung his head sadly and pouted. I quickly wound up the big box and stood up. He's looking down at me with big puppy dog eyes. 

"Fine, but only for a few minutes," I said defeated. He picked me up and swung me around. 

"Thank you so much Honey Bunny," He said still holding me.

"You finally found a name for me?" I asked laughing. He nodded his head. "Okay put me down," I said tapping his shoulder. He lightly set me down.

"Where's the others?" 

"Oh well you know the magical and mystical author obviously made us our own bedrooms for this dilemma, you're welcome fans, they're in their rooms playing it safe for tonight."

"Oh okay, well I can only be gone for a few minutes okay?" He nodded his head. 

"Of course," He then happily scooped me up and bounced off to his room. He opened the door and I took a step inside. It's not as bright purple as I thought it would be. It's more darker and lighter tones of a soft purple. Of course there's other accents such as darker browns on the wood and grays. There's an amplifier in one corner with a purple guitar propped up against it. A bookshelf and desk sit side by side. The walls are covered in band posters. His bed has lavender pillow cases and a deep purple comforter. On his bed sits an old bunny plushie. He walked over and picked him up. 

"This is Mr. Fuzzle," He said holding up the rabbit. I walked over and gently grabbed Mr. Fuzzle from Bonnie. 

"He's adorable," I said, Bonnie beamed at me with a huge smile. "Where's your guitar?" I asked even though I know where it is. He walked over and picked it up.

"Waaaanna hear me play?" He asked. I nodded my head. He started playing a softer melody that made me feel sleepy. I had started to nod off but snapped back remembering that I need to get back to the office.

"That was really good Bonnie, but I got to go now," I said. He stood up and opened the door. He gave me a tight hug that I returned and a kiss on the forehead. 

"Bye Honey Bunny," He said.

"Bye Bunny," I said and walked off. I walked back to the office, Mike nearly leapt out of his seat when he saw me. 

"Are you okay!?" He asked, the concern rolling off him is almost suffocating.

"Yes yes I'm fine," I said catching him. "Wait, what time is it?"

"It's almost six you damn lunatic!" My face fell, was I really gone that long?

"I'm so sorry Mike, I didn't mean to be gone that long," I said quickly still holding him up. The bell then rang signaling that the night was over. 

"Do that shit again and your ass is grass!" He snapped standing up and brushing off his uniform. 

"What'd you just say," I heard Goldies voice come from behind me. It's more definitely more threatening and deep. I spun around and flicked his nose.

"Be nice!" I snapped.

"Yup, sorry (y/n)" Goldie said lowering his head. 

"You really got them wrapped around your finger don't you?" I nodded my head.

"Well let's get home," I said. "Bye mike, see you tomorrow!" I waved goodbye as we walked outside. As soon as we walked outside an uneasy feeling settled into my bones. Like someone is watching me. I quickly looked in the direction of this nasty feeling but... Nothing. Of course you're just imagining things, probably paranoid. I unlocked the car, me and Goldie climbed in. I started the car and drove back to the house. We got out and I locked the car up. I then unlocked the door and walked into the house, closing it behind Goldie and locking the door. The uneasy feeling hasn't gone away, good god.


Fuck yeah two chapters! I decided to drag things out a bit more because I'm a good author, not really, but still! Hope you liked that 4th wall break. I also hope that you liked this chapter. Now sadly I must bid you adieu *disappears in a cloud of purple smoke*

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