Finally, we're on the plane. Having a seat by the window is my favorite thing. Mom is sitting next to me, while Dad's next to her. I put my earphone on and choose Viva La Vida from Coldplay for the first song to be play on my I-pod. I love this song by the way.

The plane is take off now and will take around six hours from Boston to London in non-stop flight. Yeah, it's long enough but I feel so excited for this flight, can't wait to touch down to London. See ya, Boston! I'm gonna miss ya!

Woohoo! London, here I am! I can't stop smiling as I'm step out of the plane. My eyes are close, I take a deep breath for a new air. The new adventures will begin soon.

Suzie and her mom were in London earlier than me, and she offered to drive me and my parents from the airport to my apartment. Plus, she will help us to fix everything up there. Oh, what a sweet Suzie!

After finishing with our luggage which was taking a while, I texted Suzie to let her know that my parents and I were already in London.

Hi Suzie! I'm arrived!

Then just a few second, my phone buzzed. It's Suzie, Great! Just wait at the arrival gate, I'll be there soon, okay?

I quickly replied, I will, thank you so much!!

With that, I put my phone on my pocket and walk to Dad. "Dad, Suzie will arrive here soon to pick us. She said that we just need to wait at arrival gate, she'll be there."

"Will she??" his eyes widened, and I nodded. "You really have a sweet best friend, Brie. Let's go tell your Mom." I smiled as he embraced me, and we walked towards Mom.

I looked for the 'ARRIVAL GATE' sign as we walked with our luggage, and there it is. Several people had signboards in their hands. I'm sure they're picking up someone they've never met before, so the board would be a big help, but Suzie didn't need it to pick me up.

Suddenly my eyes widened, and I laughed when I recognized there was a board with 'WELCOME TO LONDON BENNETT'S FAMILY' written on it. That's so cute! Once in a while, Suzie jumped with that board and waved her hands to me as she said 'Hi'. I can't hear her voice because there's so many crowds, but I can read her lips. I quickly pushed my trolley towards Suzie and giving her a best friend hug, with Mom and Dad behind me. "I can't believe you made that board. So cute!"

"I know you'll like it, Bestie!" She laughed and we released our hug. "Welcome to London, Mr. And Mrs. Bennett." Suzie opened her arms to my Mom and Dad, hug them.

"Suzie, it's really nice of you." Mom rubbed Suzie's cheek and smiled. "Thank you for picking us here, dear."

"That's no problem. You guys are my family!" Suzie said. And yes, we are family. Actually, I really want to have a sister when I was a kid. But my Mom miscarried when she was six months pregnant my sister be. And the doctor said that Mom could not have more children. That was a worst day in our life. Having Suzie in my life such a blessed. My parents always treated Suzie just like their own daughter. They love Suzie, just like me.

Suzie has been to London at many times, so I think it's right to entrust her to drive me to my apartment. I sat next to Suzie on passenger seat, while of course my parents were on the backseat. Because I'm going to live here, so I'm trying to start memorizing the roads that we passed. Suzie deliberately droves the car not as fast as usual she did to tell me what we encountered on the road. She acted like a professional tour guide. But sometimes she also forgets what the name of the street or building she pointed on, and when she did, she named it with whatever she liked. It made the whole in the car laughed.

This city is so incredible. By this time I still don't believe in myself that I'm going to live here. I think London is a beautiful working city that has a past and present in one time, I mean you can feel the antiquity on one spot while others feel so modern, there's just no place like it. Oh, I have fallen in love with London!

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