why did he lie?

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Mean while with Eleven

oh ok-

That didnt seem right....he felt nervous and why was he so quick to hang up..?

Maybe I should ask max? Yeah why not im bored anyways

And so just like that. Eleven was making her way to Max's house

Eleven approaches the door and knocks

Max opens the door

Hey Eleven! Whats wrong?

Can we talk?

Ya for sure.

Max leads Eleven to her room.

So whats wrong?


What do you mean?

Hes acting weird.

Mike always acts weird Max says while laughing.

I think he lied.

Lied about what?

Well we made plans to hang out today but when I called him its like he quickly made up an excuse not to go.

What was the excuse?

He said he was helping his neighbor with the lawn and his animals.

Mike? Work? Helping others? Ya no that little shit definitely lied!


Theres no way Mike is helping someone other than himself.

What is he doing then?

I dont know...

An idea clicks in Max's mind

I know how to find out!


By spying on him! I mean think El. You have these powers that allow you to see what others are doing! Sooo

So we spy on him!


omg youre a genius! But what if I dont like what I see...

El...Mike is an asshole but he would never cheat. Ok?

Ya youre right....

Here. Ill get everything set up, you just wait here.

El sits and waits.

This is a bad idea....

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