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Hey guys! It's t0ky0wh0 here! Here's the second episode of the fan fiction. There will be quite some action, so if you want to, put on some dramatic music on, or whatever xd Anyways! Enjoy this episode, and thanks for taking your time to read it! c:


My mission was to apprehend a man to some kind of anonymous person. I've been delivering him some results lately. And he pays alright. The amount of money he pays is only enough provisions for the next few days. But it's still better than nothing. I made my way out the door. I have this feeling that some kind of sh*t will go down.

I grappled up onto a roof. The victim usually went to a bar at 10p.m. sharp, and stays there for about an hour. I made my way to that bar. When I arrived, I could see him through one of the windows. Great, I'm not late. I watched him for a good 10 minutes, when he finally decided to get out of that damn bar. I followed him from the rooftops. When he finally turned down into a dark alley, I jumped down, coming down with force.
Yet I felt something crash against myself. As I turned my head, I saw that it was some kind of soldier. But it wasn't a Military Police Soldier. Their moves were way more professional for that. With the force that I've been pushed with, I crashed against the wall.
"Heyo old man! I highly recommend for you to get out of here!", a woman's voice spoke out. The old man ran out of the alley in terror. I gritted my teeth at the woman. She waisted no time and got hold of me. Soon enough, she was on top of me, holding both my hands above my head, pinning me to the floor. She applied enough force that it caused me to wince in pain. "Oops! Have I hurt you? I'm very sorry", she laughed sarcastically. No. I couldn't just go down like this. I kicked her back with my knee which made her loose the grip on my hands, and I was finally able to get out of her grasp. I stood up quickly, and while I did so, I got a knife in each of my hands. "Aaaah you got me good there!", the woman said. She stood up and she pulled out her two blades. "Finally, someone worthy to fight with! And no worries, I won't kill ya!", she said. I clicked my tongue as I was visibly annoyed by the woman. But I had to settle things down as soon as possible. She most probably wasn't the only soldier down here. Were they here for me?

Enough thinking, Y/n. Concentrate. She came at me first flinging her blades at me. Her movements were a bit floppy. She should be no problem.
I defended myself with the knives in my hands. As she charged me with one of her blades, I ducked under it, went on her right side, kicked her legs, which made her fall. I grabbed her right arm and twisted it a bit. I had no intentions in breaking her arm. It should cause some damage to her shoulder. She let out a loud "Oww!", and I used that chance to get out of there really fast.

I grappled onto one of the buildings, now running, as I was slowly gaining my stamina back. I couldn't stop here. I  couldn't possibly now that there would be any more of them. So I kept running. I jumped down from one of the buildings, and grappled into an abandoned old building. It was clear. Way too clear. I ran through the building, doing a few flips as I came by some obstacles. I was alarmed the whole time.
Suddenly, I heard grapple hooks. Sh*t! Have they found me?
I jumped out of the building, not looking to my left. I saw from the corner of my eye, that there was someone. It was another soldier. I quickly air boosted, and if I had been a milli second too late, I wouldn't have made it. They still managed to cut a bit of my thigh, but it wasn't a big deal. So now they were allowed to kill? Just great.

As I went on the open area, someone came crashing down from above, taking me down. It was a man. I couldn't fight him. As I fell on the ground, i flipped to my side grabbing my knives, ready to attack. As I was about to make a move, someone restrained me, and i had a blade against my throat. I didn't move.
"Drop your weapons." A voice spoke out. I did as I was told... This was it. I was caught. I was turned around, still having the blade at my throat. They removed my mask, and my face was free now. But as I finally saw the people around me, I noticed someone familiar. Raven black hair, and a pair of grey eyes, looking at me. It was Levi. On his knees on the ground, arrested. I was beyond shock. What was he doing here? And who were those other two people? I feeling of rage rushed through me. Did he ditch our friendship, so he could be with that guy and that girl? I really hoped not.
I wanted to get out as soon as possible. I couldn't get caught here. Not now.

I saw that Levi was looking at me, with that gaze of "Don't do it". But I will. As I saw that there weren't too many guys on the right, I gathered my strength and hit the guy with the back of my head, brutally. I think I even made his nose bleed. But there was no time to waste. I grappled up and got out of there. As I glanced to Levi one last time, I saw a little smile on his face. I looked away, as I heard "That's enough. Let her escape. We got what we came here for. We'll get her the next time".
Next time my ass.
As I finally got home, I collapsed of exhaustion. And shock. What the hell happened? What will happen to Levi? Wait why am I even thinking about him... He wanted to end it. But I couldn't accept it. And... Who were those two?
Stop thinking about him Y/n... You'll get all messed up again.
I rid myself of the mauever gear, as well as my belts. I layed down on my matress, still trying to process what the hell happened. I looked at the bracelet, and held my head in my hands. Tears started to assemble in my eyes, and they started falling. I didn't know why. I felt... Betrayed?
Just think that you made it out of there. No worries  about it. I escaped them multiple times just now. But this won't be the last time I'll be seeing them. Nor will it be the last time with Levi.



Hello! I hope you enjoyed this action full episode. And Levi participated too ;) I'll be seeing you in the next one!

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