Elizabeth's mother looked taken back, widening her eyes, while her thin, pink lips parted, before she jingled in a small chuckle.

She brought her hand to scarcely cover her smile; matching her classic, elegant demeanour, which was much to the dismay of Elizabeth.

"Now, look at you, did you have a nightmare again?" She rang out, with a mature-like smile, as she teased her only daughter, while making her way to the bed, with a noticeable limp.



Elizabeth smiled sadly at her mother's legs.

She surely worried about Neo...But...How...Could she ignore her mom's limping?

It's alright, to the look of mom's face, Neo should be fine. I'll just focus on the well being of mom, for now.




She must be in pain...Shouldn't she be in bed right now?




Frankly, she was trying to feel a sense of gratefulness, that her mother had even decided to have gotten out of bed; it didn't matter, what reason had persuaded her to, but she hoped the cause wasn't because of her.

Or, even mildly involved with her.

After all;

They didn't know what Elizabeth's mother had been poisoned with, all they knew, was that Elizabeth's father, died of the same, "illness."

Even though Elizabeth's remaining memories weren't charged with clarity, nor absolute, the ones that she would be able to recollect perspicaciously, were a group of strongly labelled, echoing prospects, on how her parents scuffle with day-to-day life.

Whether it was a memory, of viewing her struggling parents, squeezing their eyes in pain, or simply, staying bedridden; they were etched, and carved with the utmost detail.

Every word.

Every movement.

Every smile.

They were all burnt into her skull, and chiseled with the most, strained accuracy, and perhaps, that was why she had always been abnormally lenient towards her parents; fighting every urge to yell, to argue, all for the sake of her morals.

She knew, exactly just how strenuous it was, to try and endure the pain; yet, all she could find, as an indication of pain, were merely occasional winces.

It truly did frustrate her sometimes;

"If you're in pain, why wouldn't say so?"

She couldn't think of any reasons, except for one;

It was for her.

Were they?




Ah...They were...




They were trying hard for her, and their sake; how could she find the heart to argue with them?

All she had to do, was be an obedient, law-abiding daughter, and not bring any trouble to them; she would do so peacefully, until the white flowers would descend from the heavens.

A Mother's Determination SystemWhere stories live. Discover now