Chapter 34

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Elizabeth carefully concealed the covered blade in the front layers of her clothes, walking down in slow, mindful, relaxed steps. As she walked out of the village, down the reaching bamboo, her heart felt at peace. The blurry images of the tow-headed and rough-necked guards by the Shu Liang Gate (Cold Ore Gate) towards Ausland Village, barely caused any anxiety. Those lot couldn't affect her anymore, not when she was finally getting closer to her goal.  

She passed by the stores, the rumbling carriages, handsome men in fans, and women in purple,  immodest clothing. The road became narrower and narrower, and soon Elizabeth reached her final destination: A moldy, creaking reed-basket store hidden in an alleyway. 

Perfect for a rendezvous? 

It can't be.. Right?

Elizabeth turned her head backwards, looking at the abandoned straw baskets and moldy wooden pillars of a small alcohol store.  Then, she looked back, silently judging the flaky painted roof, the miscoloured wooden door. Is this really the place? She doubted so, but this type of inconspicous place perfected fitted Su Long's espionage fantasy. She slowly crept up the creaky stairs, then gently knocked on the door as if a harder impact would shatter the thing. No response. She knocked again. 

"Hello?.. My name is Narcissus. I'm looking for Aldeus Yi." She said, in a noticeably wispier and lower voice. But, for the answer she got, she may have just talked to the wall. 

The echoing from the outside street sounded louder, and Elizabeth just slumped down to sit on the stairs. She looked at the wondrous plump clouds above, and let out an exaggerated sigh. 

"Who is that sighs, in this dull and greivous place?" A thunderous voice stood. 

Elizabeth jerked onto her feet, looking at the store behind her. 

"It is I, Aldeus Yyi, now state your occuaption outsider!" The voice vibrated from the houses every window and crease, almost shaking the ground.

Elizabeth stifled a laugh, swallowing it under her lips. 

"It is I, Narcissus, your newly found employee sir." Elizabeth grinned, placing her hand on her heart, bowing down. Her brown hair thickly dangled before her lowered eyes. 

"Yes... I see... Master has told me of your expected arrival. But, you are late! You were supposed to come 4 minutes ago!" The voice pompously required. 

"Oh... Ah, yes, I apologize sir."

"Yes, alright. Because it is your first day, I shall pardon you. But do remember that tardiness is not accepted here! We must place our highest respect and attitude towards our holy work, doing all that is necessary to-" 

"Ayo, stop it Old Yi, you're going to make the poor girl sleep on your words." A clement voice interupted him. 

"Ah, yes, you are right. Let this old man stop rumbling. You see, when I was a young man, I did not speak this much. The age is starting to be far too old, aha, yes, that's it." 

Elizabeth raised her eyes, and watched the store succumb under waves of stomping feet. The house shook delicately and stopped as the  noise stopped. The door swung open. 

"It is I, Aldeus Yi!" 

Aldeus Yi, was by far, the shortest man Elizabeth had ever seen in her life. He was  lean, but had the most odd, unproportionate stature. His legs curved out to form  an oval when he simply stood, and his torso was short and stumpy. But, it really seemed to be the unfavourable effects of age in his case. 

Beside him was an old woman, around her mid fifties. She didn't seem to out of it, just yet. 

... Oh, don't be so obvious... We're all wondering about her height... Fix your awkward mouth sweetheart, yes, there we go. 

Now, she was average height, grooved there and there. Those wise hands held onto a simple wooden cane with the ingraved initials "G.Y," her left leg swaying in a rotational limp, the causal of some secretive history. She didn't seem a hooligan; her habitual reflex to smooth out the non-existent folds on her patched clothes or her grey hair twisted around two symmetrical sticks as tidy as the rest of her. The limp probably didn't come from a fight at least. 

"Yes, you've said that 4 times now." Granny Yo slapped the man's shoulder, and then smiled at Elizabeth.

"And... I'm guessing you're Narcissus. You're here to carry the carts, yes?" 

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