Ch.96 - Surprise

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"Now I've got some good news and bad news, which would you like first?" He questioned as he flipped through my chart.

"Bad news, always the bad before the good." I say trying to make a joke, lightly chuckling causing him to do the same.

"Well your fiancés tell me you have been going through a stressful time and that most likely played a major part in causing you to collapse, also you and a vitamin deficiency, but we caught it earlier on so you two should be fine." He says not looking up from the clip board and I fell myself taken back as I think of his words.

"And the good news, I'm surprised they didn't tell you they refused to let me leave earlier until I had told them what happened." He says pointing back at the guys. All the boys chuckle and rub the back of their necks avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah they refused to tell me, but I don't get what the big deal is?" I say folding my arms making the guys eyes quickly snap to mine before wide grins spread their faces.

"Well I don't know for sure but most people enjoy finding out there expecting." He grins at me and my eyes widen in shock.

"Excuse me?" I question as I feel like my jaw hit the floor. The doctor chuckles  before putting my chart back at the foot of the bed.

"You are about three months pregnant and it's a good thing you got here when you did, because you should start showing within the next few weeks. And I'll be able to give have prescriptions for your prenatal vitamins before you leave." My heart was pounding in my ears and I found myself staring off into space as my hands find my stomach.

I could feel tears slipping past my eyes, not only for the fact that I was going to be a mother, but that my own wouldn't be there to see it.

When I look up at the guys they all held grins on their faces, other holding tears back, and when my eyes met Namjoon's I can see a part of him his fearful and worried. But when he notices the look of concern in my eyes he sends me a smile before rubbing his neck like his brothers.

Apparently the doctor was still talking while I zoned out, I pull my eyes from Namjoon's, turning back to the doctor.

"... and we will be able to schedule an ultrasound to discover the gender for a month from now. But I can have a nurse bring a machine in here so you all could see the baby if you wish?" He says, but as I go to respond the boys beat me to it.


"Oh it's going to be so tiny!"

"Noona can I touch your tummy?"

"Oh I hope it's a girl." 

I find myself laughing as they all continue insisting the doctor bring the machine in right now. He stepped out assuring us he would be here when the nurse brought the machine in.

Once he leaves they all start to crowd around the bed, wanting to put their hands on my stomach. Even though I told them they wouldn't be able to feel anything, yet they still rubbed my stomach even tickling me a few times.

When I raise my head I see my uncle at the foot of the bed with tears in his eyes. He said he was so happy for all of us and knew we would be the perfect parents.

I reach out for his hand, squeezing it tightly and sending him a loving smile. He grins before telling the boys that they better look forward to the many trips to the grocery store. Saying when my mother was pregnant she always craved weird snacks at the craziest of times.

While I was concentrated I heard the sound of balloons rubbing together to see Jimin and Jungkook pulling balloons out of the bathroom. They were a mixture of pink and blue with a heart shaped balloon in the middle.

I could stop the grin that spread across my lips, I thought they would all be worried at the thought of me having a baby, hell I know I am.

I don't want them to think I wouldn't view them all as the father, if anything I was surprise Namjoon was the only one with a hidden look in his eyes.

I'll make sure to talk to the seven of them later when we get home.

But just seeing how happy and ready they are wipes all my worries away. I have no doubt that the seven of them would be great dads they've only just heard about the baby and don't know if it's a girl or boy and are already buying them things.

I hear the clicking of the door opening as a nurse walks in asking the boys to move back, so she could hook up the machine.

As she was finishing up the doctor walk back in with a grin on his face.

"Alright now let's see how the baby is doing." He says as he pulls on a pair of gloves.

I pull a blanket over my legs and lift my gown as he squirts the cold gel on my stomach. When I jump from the coldness the boys all hold worried expressions on their faces.

I shake my head at them as the doctor turns on the machine before holding the wand against my stomach.

"Alright, now let's see... mm" He says allowing his sentence to fade out before his brows start to furrow.

"What's wrong?" I question, hearing the concern in my voice. Causing the guys to all move forward.

"Oh nothing." He says and chuckles before moving the wand lower on my stomach.

"Alright if you look closely you can see one baby here." He said as he points to it on the screen causing all the boys to make cooing noises as they see it.

"And baby number two is a little two the left." He says and I feel my eyes widen before I hear someone hit the floor, turning my head I see it was Jungkook. 

His brothers quickly reach down to check on him and help him up.

"Y-you said two?!" I say and the doctor laughs.

"You lot don't do a good job with surprises do you?" He says as he watches the screen and moves the wand around my stomach so that both babies appear on the screen.

The Maknea's were all grinning from ear to ear as they look at the screen.Namjoon looked to be in a state of shock, Jin was standing near him with a grin and patting his back.

Hoseok was smirking at me before coming around to my side and holding my hand. Yoongi stood near the left far corner with tears slipping from his eyes, but he never pulled his eyes away from the screen.

"There's no getting rid of us now." Hoseok says as he sends me a wink before leaning down to kiss my forehead.




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