Ch. 16-Questioning

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Kya POV:

I gasp coming up from the water and moving my hair out of my face. I throw my hands up and look for the guilty party. Looking around all the boys are pointing at Hobi, who smiles innocently at me.

"Oh come on baby girl, you looked so hot I couldn't take it anymore." He winks and smirks at me. I felt myself wanting to blush and slip into my headspace a little before realizing where we were.

I growl before coming to the edge of the pool and splashing them all.

"You asshole!" I pull the shirt over my head because it was making it hard to breathe.

They all laugh before jumping in, Jungkook sits at the edge of the pool and moves his feet around in the water. I go up to him and fold my arms before resting them on his thighs.

"You okay?" I ask and he nods. I know he's lying so I look him in the eyes and give him a look, telling him to talk to me and he finally decided to speak.

"I... I just... The girl started working at the coffee shop the other day and gave me her number. I just didn't want to be rude and not text back." He saw my face drop at his words. It wasn't the fact that some girl messaged him but its that it was the same thing I did. I flirted with him and then gave him my number. So did he message me out of pity?

I cleared my throat, "Well I hope you guys have a fun time, she seems really nice." I tightly smile at him before I start to back up and head back to the others. I didn't want to ruin my mood. I have been on an emotional roller coaster so I needed to just be happy for a little bit. A couple of minutes later Jungkook smiled and decided to join us all.

Namjoon has his back to me and I jump on him, wrapping my legs around his waist. He grips my legs before going underwater and pulling me with him.

Soon we all decided to play chicken. It was the final round, it was me and Jin vs Hobi and Jimin. We had been going at it for a couple of minutes before be and Jin used all-out power and pushed them down and into the water.

We cheered and hugged each other. After that, we all laid on the outside of the pool and looked at the stars just enjoying the silence.

Moments later I let myself slip into my thoughts. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to let myself form feeling for all of them. I know Namjoon and Yoongi said they had feelings for me but that doesn't mean the same for the rest.

I mean I couldn't blame them. Why be with one girl you have to share with your brothers when you can have one for yourself? I started to feel tears form in my eyes. I don't know why I let myself feel things. Every time I find a way to hurt myself more and more.

I sit up and wipe my eyes, not wanting to let anyone see me cry. I groan before standing up.

"I um I'm actually feeling a little tired so I'm gonna head inside to take a shower." I lightly smile before turning to leave.

I hear someone trying to talk to me but I ignore it as I keep walking into the house. I hate when my moods get like this. How I go from hot to cold so quickly, how my feelings can change so fast. I felt like I had an internal battle being fought inside my brain. And I wanted nothing more than for it to end.

Jimin POV:

We were all tired after swimming that we just laid on the ground. I could help but think about how perfect this was, I was with my brothers and this amazing girl. She brought so much light into our lives.

I couldn't get that night at the club out of my head, all I could think of was the beautiful sounds that slipped paster her lips and have lovely she responded to me a Jungkook. We talking about it the day after. And one thing we definitely agreed on was that we would definitely do it again.

Her skin tastes just as sweet as it looks. And we were very happy to bring her pleasure. Jungkook had told me later on that he was close to cumin in his jeans in the club. And honestly I couldn't blame him.

He told me earlier why Kya's mood seemed to change after she picked out the music, he explains a girl had given her number to him and he didn't want to come off as a jerk. It was the owner's niece. And before we came outside Jungkook was freaking out thinking Kya would be mad.

It was cute watching my brother freaking out over a girl. He usually tried to avoid women, but then he has this pulls to strong women and he becomes puddy in their hands.

As Kya walked off I could tell something was wrong. Her mood shifted really quick and I wanted to check on her to make sure she was okay. I get up, telling my brothers that I would be back before following her inside.

Walking inside I can see Kya standing in the hallway probably looking for the bathroom.

"You can use my shower if you want to. I have some flower-scented soaps I like how they smell." I say as she looks up and stands walking in this direction.

"Thank you." She wraps her arms around herself and sends me a light smile.

I grab her hand and lead her up the stairs and towards my room. Once inside, I close the door behind us and show her the bathroom.

"The towels are in that small closet and so are wash clothes. You can use whatever you want." I smile at her, but looking over at her I can tell her mind is somewhere else.

I come up to her and cup her cheek.

"Listen, I know you may not want to talk but something is troubling you and I can't just leave you in hear to be upset and alone because that will only make it worse. Please talk to me, say as much as you want or as little as you want, just please talk. I want to know what's making you so troubled." I move her curls out of her face before lightly pulling her jaw up, making her look me in the eyes.

"I.. I have feelings for all of you and it's driving my brain crazy." She grips her hair and pulls her head down.

Happiness fills me as those words leave her mouth. I couldn't wait to tell my brothers. I felt a warmth running through my body but come back to the situation at hand.

"What's wrong with being a little crazy baby? Isn't that what love does to people?" I saw causing her head to snap in my direction making me realize what I said.

I started blubbering like a fish and looked down at the ground. I couldn't believe I just said that. I mean I can't say it wasn't true. Kya is amazing. She's everything I've ever wanted in a woman. And she wants to come to my home country and experiences it with not just me but my brothers too. She passionate and watching her dance could literally give me a heart attack

Things haven't always been easy for me And my brothers, but we have always had each other and the fact that she holds feelings for them to makes me love her all the more.

"Did you mean that or was it a slip of the tongue?" She looked up at me with a whirlpool of emotions circling in her eyes. I saw worry, hope, anguish, sadness and finally love.

And after seeing that in her eyes, I wanted to make it the only emotion she felt. So I took a couple of steps forward and cup her jaw, kissing her deeply.



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