Fuck my life

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Yeah so I'm going to school tomorrow

I have barely done any of the work cause I can't focus at home

My parents don't believe me

My class found my cosplay tiktok and spread it around the school, I also revealed I was trans there and now my school of 15,000 people knows

I have writers block

I have art block

I haven't got any motivation to even get out of bed anymore

The one person that cares about me doesn't even live in the same country as me

My parents don't accept me for who I am and judge me constantly

I can't ever sleep and when I eventually do it's because I've cried myself to sleep

I feel sick every time I eat, even at the thought of eating

And nobody fucking believes me about any of it.

I'm going on a small hiatus, I don't know how long for but I am really not in a good place right now and I can't talk to anybody about it, so yeah I'm fucking great


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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