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A month later.

"You really think I'm going to go back to that shitty doctor after what he tried? Why don't you make me eat a bag of raw dicks now." I spoke staring the stew in the pot. Yazid leaned against the counter.

"Damn babe, you swear like a crew ship member, where did that all come from?" He asked me. Frankly speaking, even I didn't know how I began swearing very often. I don't feel like myself at all.

"Anyways, its not Dr Andrews. I got you another doctor," he said and I turned to face him. "And it's a woman, I promise"

He had been trying to get me to go back to therapy. I saw no need for it though, since he obviously doesn't want me getting my memories or knowing anything.

"Miss Najwa," a small voice called me. I had totally forgotten Kim was still staying at the house, and I kept using those bad words. She walked into the kitchen with a Teddy bead in on hand, and the other beside her. Her mother was a fashion designer, so I saw nothing odd if a five years old with that person in her life had some good fashion sense that exceeded mine.

Her parents finally finalised their divorce and as though they both didn't want a child, they both didn't want her for custody, so Yazid did the only reasonable thing as a nice man-he adopted Kimberly.

It wasn't all that hard. The fact that Kimberly already loved us as if we were her real parents was the good thing.

"Kim, you're done watching your cartoons?" Yazid picked her up, placing her on the counter. She nodded cheerfully, a little dimple forming on the sides of her cheeks.

"But I'm hungry now" she pouted.

"Okay sweetie, mommy is about to finish cooking, then you can eat" Yazid poked her nose with his and she giggled. The sight was amazing, and my hand flew to my tummy. I knew our children already had the perfect father.

"Whyare you smiling like that, hm?" I snapped out of my thoughts when he put his thumb and fore finger on my chin, rising my head up. I smiled again goofingly.

"I just said to the baby that he had an amazing father" I confessed and he smiled softly at me.

"And she has the best mother" he whispered and trapped me between his body and the counter. He pushed forward his face and eventually his lips landed on mine. I couldn't lie it sparked a whole lot of energy in m. His hand moved up and down my sides, stopping on my hip and pulling me closer.

"Where have you been?!" A woman shot as soon as dhe walked in the door.

"I was out with my friends" She replied walking away.

"Don't walk away from me. I know where-" slam! A door was banged shot.

I needed to focus into that kiss. No flashes should distract me. I needed Yazid to know how much I loved him.

"Najwa, you better open this door or you are so getting it from me!" The woman thundered.

"Weren't you out with Dad for an apparent business meeting? Did you care where I was? Until now that you finally remember me as your daughter you decided to pounce on me"

"You're not leaving this house until you get a drug test"

"Fuck the drug test!"

"Don't use that language on me."

"Najwa you okay?" I heard, but I wasn't specifically sure who spoke at tht time. My mind was going somewhere else completely.

Another lady emerged from a room. She went straight to the woman and held her forearm. "Mama, calm down. You're not handling this right"

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