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"you better not step foot out of this house. For all we know you might be high and you might end up seriously injured."

"Since when did you care?"

"It's not healthy for you!"


"She's unconscious"

"She's lost blood!"

"I told her to not drive. Who even gave her the key?"

"Najwa, you better open this door or you are so getting it from me!" The woman thundered.

"Weren't you out with Dad for an apparent business meeting? Did you care where I was? Until now that you finally remember me as your daughter you decided to pounce on me"

"You're not leaving this house until you get a drug test"

"Fuck the drug test!"

"Don't use that language on me."

"Najwa you okay?" I heard, but I wasn't specifically sure who spoke at tht time. My mind was going somewhere else completely.

Another lady emerged from a room. She went straight to the woman and held her forearm. "Mama, calm down. You're not handling this right"

"You heard me right? Let me see a footstep of yours outside of this room" The woman continued, despite the warning she was given. She snatched her arm away from the lady and walked away from the corridor. She sat on a table.


"I thought I asked you to look after her? Why did you let her leave."

"She's my elder sister what do you expect? For her to listen to me? You know that won't happen considering how stubborn she is"

"Where did she go?"

"She went to meet her friend"

"Did you even try to find out who the friend was?"

"Mama! I'm freaking eighteen! I would do anything to protect my sister but I'm sorry but this isn't my responsibility but yours and Dad's."

"What is your name?" My psychiatrist asked me. It was a common everyday exercise he conducts with me that I had no idea why.

"My name is Najwa Hussain Danbatta. I am twenty three years old married to my husband, Yazid Zakari Amdaz"

"Who is he to you?" He pointed at the man beside me.

"He is my husband, Yazid" I answered not sparing the man a glance. I could see him looking at me from my peripheral view.

He scribbled down in his book as usual, but looks at me for a second this time around. "You remember everything don't you?" He asked, and I've never been more confused in my life than at that point. It got me wondering. What was wrong with me to end up in this place?


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