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Hi guys, so we have have important word from Najwa herself to you guys.

Anyways, she just finished reading a book 'Care' by @EroticMarie so she's helping raise awareness.(through me of course)

🌟the book is basically about a guy with asperger's syndrome a.k.a autism. It is a rare disorder that affects more than 300 children mostly the male specie. This disorder makes a person lack a theory of mind-the intuitive understanding that others have their own thoughts and feelings. As a result, they cannot imagine their way into the ming of others to anticipate their response. Instead, they have to infer other people's feelings, intentions and interests using explicit rules. That explains why even if they have mastered complex technical operations, they cannot conduct an ordinary conversations.

🌟Brain scans show that in our brains, the centre of emotions is activated when we judge facial expressions. In people with Asperger's Syndrome, the prefrontal cortex a seat of judging and planning, they are thinking of the meaning instead of responding immediately.

🌟their sight, hearing, touch and smell can also be very very sensitive.

🌟complicated feelings tend to confuse them , they might be unable to understand hints, keep secrets, understand metaphors, irony, sacarsm, or humor.

🌟they also get confused by tone of voice, gestures and facial expressions. Their body language, gestures and expressions are also hard to interpret.

🌟they stand too close, speak too loud and and dont make eye contact Sometimes producing long lectures about their interest subjects only to themselves.

🌟they are clumsy, with poor handwriting mostly, and sometimes repetative movements such as rocking and follow the same routine. They easily get upset when their expectations isn't reached or when their routine is tampared with.

🌟they intend to tell you what is on their mind no matter what even if it hurts. They hardly lie or hide anything from you.

🌟People with asperger's syndrome can experience the following:

~trouble using facial expressions, body posture, maintaining relationship with people e.t.c

~trouble maintaining eye contact while socializing.

~trouble sharing the same interest or achievements.

~failure to match energy; socially or emotionally.

🌟Also they have the following:

~repetative actions
~preocupation with objects
~intense obsession with one topic
~insists on following the same routine

🌟Some people with asperger's/autism syndrome:

~Bill Gates
~Steve Jobs
~Dan Harmon
~Lewis Carroll
~Daryl Hannah

Movies with people that have autism:

~My name is khan
~the accountant
~the night clerk (available on netflix
~white frog
~the big bang theory
~Ben X
~please stand by
~ouija room (trigger warning - horror movie)




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