Chapter 1

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The chatter of many customers, the sound of food being cooked, and the incredible aroma carried from the kitchen, all of this filled the now half full restaurant. The customers were all enjoying themselves, whether they were alone or in a party, but I am not a customer.

"Hey Izuku, can you bring this to table five... " I heard the main chef say, as he passed me two plates full of food.

"Yes sir!" I quickly answered, as I took both of the plates and made my way over to the table. I gently placed the plates down in front of the waiting party, before I made my way back to the counter.

The restaurant is called Daniel's Diner. I'm fourteen years old now, I've been working here since I was ten. I started off by cleaning and doing the dishes, but at this point I've gotten to do many more tasks. I'm now a cashier, a waiter, and even a chef, if the situation calls for it. Not so long ago I went through the hassle of clearing away the missing person report attached to my name. I even got help from Daniel, my boss, to make sure that I could live by myself at my own apartment, which is what I've been doing for the past years.

As I made it back to the counter I noticed that the TV had been turned on, and that the news were talking about something interesting.

"It has been months since the last time that The Guardian was seen. The declaration made about his death is still making citizens shed tears everyday... Some go as far as to light lanterns, and place flowers in both alleyways and on street corners, as a token of appreciation to their hero..." Is what the news anchor said, before I stopped myself from listening any further.

The Guardian has been gone for months now, and people are still upset about it. I, on the other hand, only feel disappointed. He wasn't what I wanted him to be... That's why I quit being him...

I was ten years old when I first walked out in the streets, fully clad in armor. I did it because I couldn't sit back and watch anymore, I needed to help people if I could. It worked, for the longest time it worked. I saved many, and I defeated many. I got to meet and have skirmishes with heroes and villains of different sizes, and in the process I learned of things that many heroes don't know about. But I failed in the end. I couldn't save THAT one, and it haunted me. It stacked itself upon the other things that bothered me at the moment, so I decided to quit... Because I, The Guardian, wasn't strong enough to save a little girl... And that just disappointed me...

"Hey Izuku!" I heard the chef call out, knocking me out of my thoughts. At first I thought that there was more food to be served, but when I noticed that there were no plates waiting I realized that he only wanted some small talk.

"Yes chef!" I answered, smile on my face.

"I heard that you're going back to school tomorrow." He then said casually. I cracked my neck, as I answered.

"Well, yeah. It's about damn time I did." With a voice that was just as casual. Ever since the incident, that claimed my mother's life, I quit school. It has been ten years, and I haven't even entered a school building.

"Damn right! You've been away for so long that I actually fear about how you'll manage." The chef then continued, with a voice that was slightly concerned.

His worry is rightfully placed, I would worry a lot more if I was in his shoes. But he doesn't know that for the past ten years I've been practically drowning myself in books, so I don't think I'm behind in any way. I've been building my intellect as much as I've been building my strength, and I make people believe that I have a super-powerful strength quirk.

"Don't worry. What you don't know is that I've been working this thing just as much as I've been working my muscles." I then said, while grinning and pointing at my head.

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