Chapter 14 - Asshole

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Jace's POV: 

After parking my car out the front I walked into the house straight up the stairs to my room. I was so mad that Amy would put herself in that situation. Doesn't she understand that my job is to protect her! I heard her go into the living room happy that she didn't follow me. I can't deal with anyone right now. I need to punch something or better yet someone. I decided to go to the Gym at the warehouse. I needed to get out of the house and go hit something, and the Gym is exactly where I need to go. I walk into my closet and grab my gym gear and change into it. I grab my shoes and put them on and then walk out my bedroom and down the stairs. I don't hear anything, so I go and peak my head into the living room. I see Amy asleep on the couch with tear stains on her cheeks. I grab the blanket hanging off the edge of the couch and place it over her. Then grabbing my keys, I get in my car and head to the warehouse.

----- 20 minutes later -----

I park my car and slam my door as I walk into the warehouse. Heading down the hall I head towards the gym. I should check in with the gang, but I don't want to deal with anything right now. Opening to door to the gym I throw my stuff on a nearby bench and start punching the punching bad in front of me. Probably should have wrap my knuckles first, oh well.

After a while I hear the doors open and notice Ryan walk in.

"Hey didn't know you were going to be here today" he said taking a seat on the bench.

"Yea well I'm here" I replied punching the bag

"Dude you should wrap your hands, there are all bloody" he said

"Wow didn't notice" I replied punching the bag harder

"Jace what is wrong with you" he said standing up


"I am your best friend, and I know when something is not right" he said glaring at me "So spill asshole"

I chuckled and came and sat next to him

"I failed"

"Failed what? As far as I know you are a big gang leader and have a girl by your side plus hundreds of people looking out for you"

"I failed to protect her"

I heard Ryan sigh next to me.

"Jace you didn't or will never fail her. Sure, Cameron has got her a few times but its not like we never got her back. Last night was her decision. She received those messages and chose not to tell you because she knew how you would react. Her friends were threatened Jace. If it was your gang in that position you wouldn't tell anybody and go save your friends. She cares about every single person in her life, but most importantly she cares about you. You haven't failed her, if anything she is grateful, she you. You are always there for her when she needs you and that Jace is not the definition of failing"

I stared at him before chuckling

"Since when were you so wise and girly"

"Haha very funny" he said punching me

"Talk to her Jace"

I gave him a slight nod and gathered my things.

"Thanks Ryan" I said

"No problem asshole"

I shook my head and walked out to my car. I jumped into the driver's seat and drove off heading back home. But first I stopped and got 2 tubs of Amy's favourite Ice Cream, strawberry.

I pulled up to the house and parked my car in the garage this time. I left all my stuff in the car and grabbed the ice cream then walking inside. I headed straight to the kitchen and grabbed two spoons as well as the chocolate sitting in the cupboard. I then walked into the living room and saw Amy sitting on the couch staring at her phone. God she's beautiful. She didn't notice me walk in until I stopped in front of her.

"What do you want" she said

"I'm sorry" I said staring straight down at her

"Wh-what" she said looking up at me

I smiled at her and showed her the ice cream and chocolate. She smiled and moved over so I could sit next to her. As soon as I sat down I gave her the ice cream and chocolate.

"Amy I am so sorry for being an asshole. You are my everything and I feel like I have failed you. You've been kidnapped multiple times and each time Cameron gets away. Then last night you were willingly going to go with him, and something inside of me snapped. I love you so much baby and it hurts me when I see you in danger, let alone when you willingly put yourself in danger." I said looking down.

I heard her chuckle and I looked up at her.

"Since when were you so girly" she said

"Ask Ryan" I said laughing

She then laughed with me and climbed on to lap straddling me.

"Jace you could never and have never failed me. You are so important to me and if I ever hear you say you have failed me or not protected me again, I will personally kill you myself. You are always there for me and have supported me in everything." She said and then kissed me. I immediately kissed back, smiling into the kiss. The kiss started to get deeper and I pushed Amy back onto the couch so I was hovering above her.

"If we don't stop now I won't be able to stop" I said staring into her eyes

"Maybe I don't want you to stop" she said smirking

I grabbed her and chucked her over my shoulder heading upstairs towards my bedroom.

(Author's note: I don't write Smut so use your filthy imaginations haha)

----- Next morning -----

I woke up with Amy cuddled into my chest. I moved some of the hair away from her face and looked at her face. How am I so lucky to have her.

"Stop staring it's rude" I hear Amy say

"Can't help admire what's mine" I say smirking at her

"I am not an object that you own" she says

"Baby you were mine the moment I laid eyes on you"


I quickly moved pinning her hands above her head whilst I hovered over her. I placed kisses all along her face and down her neck. She started breathing heavy and I love how I have that effect on her.

"All mine" I said against her neck

"All yours" she said breathing heavy
I smirked against her skin before moving over and bringing her into my chest. We fell asleep like that. Amy cuddled up against me with my arms wrapped around her and my head on top of hers. 


Author's Note

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote on this story and and follow me xo

Love you guys xoxo

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