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8 years ago...

You don't know where you're from, only that one day you woke up in hell alone.

You sit in a room all alone, shivering under the cold wind slipping through the cracks of the poor wooden walls, your body only covered with a thin dress, your hair falling over your face as you stare at a few broken dolls at your feet, the remnants of toys long too damaged to play with. The fire in the fire-place not too far away is pathetically trying to survive, but it's no use; even when you get up and try to get closer, there is no warmth left.

You don't bother asking for help.

No one would come to your rescue.

You'd been here for as long as you can remember, in an orphanage where none of the other children liked you for a reason no one would tell you, and it had always been the same.

Just you and some broken dolls.

Nothing ever changed until one day, light flooded in to your little room and filled your big, youthful eyes with a new, innocent hope. The headmistress was lining up the youngest of girls to meet a man that had just come in with his own daughter to supposedly 'pick a sister', but you were just excited to get a chance to be finally rescued. The way the man looked at each and every little girl, however, sent chills down your spine, and though you had never had the chance to show off quite like this for adoption, you were sure that this wasn't how it was supposed to be.

But who were you to complain?

You didn't let it bother you too much, because any chance given to leave this hideous darkness, you wanted it. So you put on your best smile, pushing your hair out of your face and standing in line tall and proud, the only thing going on in your head being to escape.

To be saved once and for all.

Your heart beats faster as the man's cute, blonde daughter walks towards you, her big blue eyes glowing with excitement as she tugs at your wrist and jumps around in excitement, walking up to the man proudly.

"This is the one!" The girl tells him excitedly, and when the man looks at you from head to toe, you catch a darkness in his eyes instilling fear all over, so much so that you try to place some distance between you, but the blonde holding on has a surprising grip of steel.

"What a cute girl...just my taste!" The man nods happily, giving the headmistress a stack of money hidden away from the view of anyone else.

"So young and mouldable...I couldn't have imagined a better little princess to add to our collection, Elise!" The man hums happily as he leads the way out, the girl responding to the name Elise, dragging you along, glancing at you ever so often so that you have to hide your sudden feelings of dread.

'What were they talking about?'

There was something off about the man wearing a doctor's coat, glossy black hair falling around his middle-aged face. You didn't like it, you didn't want anything to do with it, but over that feeling was a feeling you had never felt before as the outside sun hits your face, and you feel free for the first time you can remember.

"I payed a lot for you, [f/n]...Dazai better have been right about your information...but even if he wasn't..." The man looks back at you with an eerie smile before he continues to talk.

"I'm sure my money was worth it."


7 years ago...

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