Chaper One

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Hey guys! This is my first book so bare with me.


I stay hidden as I watch three wolves walk past me. The furthest one brown with a grey underbelly and grey muzzle, the middle red with black ears and the tip of his tail black, and the one closest an orangish red color. My black fur blending into the darkness of the night. Smiling to myself thinking how easy it would be to kill them all oh so easily. But the red one catches my eyes, there's something about him. He smells amazing.  I watch as the middle one stops and sniffs the air his eyes turning black looking around. The other two then start looking around as well. The red one turns around and walks back towards my way and I slowly crawl back.

"There's no way he saw me" I say speaking to my wolf Star. As I watch him get closer and closer, stopping every couple feet and sniffing the air.

"Of course not we are well hidden. However he may smell us." She responds with a heavy tone.

"Why would he? I always make sure to hide my scent." I almost growl out in frustration knowing she's hiding something from me.

"Because... he is our mate." After she said that she disappears into my head.

I huff silently in frustration wishing she gave me a heads up sooner. Now I'm going to have to deal with this alone. I never wanted a mate they make me weak and would want me to join a pack. I've been alone for a long time, ever since my parents died seven years ago. They were hunting on a packs territory and got ambushed. I was hiding in the bushes near by and was able to escape. I've been training harder and harder to make sure I don't meet the same fate.

I get pulled out of my thoughts as I see the red wolf only a couple feet away looking at the bushes I'm in. He then turns around and goes behind a tree. When he comes back he's human and wearing shorts. He has red hair with light freckles, a toned body with abs and his muscles bulging out. The other two also shift back and out of shorts all of them have abs the red haired one has more defined abs and muscles. Then he speaks.

"I can smell you little mate. Come out and introduce yourself." He says softly looking at the bushes as he crouches down. The other two stay back looking around.

"What do you think Star? Humor him or leave" I ask my wolf. It may be her mate but she's always had a level head never letting emotion cloud her judgement. I hoping this is no different.

"I would like to meet my mate. I'm curious, but be cautious he belongs to a pack." She advises me. I take her advice and creep out slowly my ears pulled back and I growl slightly warning them. I watch as their eyes go wide as they look at me. I have black fur with red ears and the tip of my tail red, I have scars all over my body from previous fights and a hole in my ear, its my signature indicating who I am.

I lay down slowly keeping an eye on them and my tail swishes back and forth. Watching as they take me in, then I focus on the red head wanting his reaction more then the others. He asks me to shift but I growl. They then communicate though mind link.

"What do you think of him Star?" I ask her as we continue to stare at each other.

"He is good looking but still part of a pack. We need to leave before others come." I agree with her then bolt away. I hear him shouting and then paws running after me. I am too fast for them. I continue running then dive under a tree. It's the entrance to my home and hiding spot. I crawl under the ground until I reach another hole I get up and see a pond. It's beautiful and has two secret entrances, the one I just used and the other covered by moss and vines so it looks like a wall. I lay down and close my eyes trying to get some sleep before I go out hunting again.

I wake up to the sound of someone crying. It sounds like a child, I slowly walk towards the second entrance and see a little girl no older then six sitting and crying. She looks lost. I walk closer to her and she gasps scared of me she tries to run. I quickly go in front of her and whimper showing her I won't harm her. She sniffles and reaches her hand out, I let her touch me and she smiles. She sits down and I lay my head in her lap as she giggles and hugs me. After a few minutes wolves surround us growling. I assume she is apart of their pack, I lick the child's cheek then quickly run and jump over them, stopping briefly to look at the child then run back to the pond. When I get there I see a grey wolf laying there.

I know this was short but I promise they will get longer. Let me know what you think so far!!!

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