The marriage

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A/N This is the final chapter of my first ever story I published on Wattpad! I might cry.

Gilly's POV

As I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but see that little 12 year old girl with a purple streak in her hair. Even though the purple streak is still there, I've changed. I have the best friend's I could ever ask for, and I'm about to marry the man of my dreams! We've had our highs and lows just like every other couple. The funny thing is, even though I'm so different from when I was a kid, I don't feel sad to have moved on. It's not like I'm that old! I turn around and see my mom, Kayla, Maxine, Jocelyn, and AG with me. I'm surrounded by the people I love.

I still can't believe my mom made me wear a dress.

Jax's POV

As I'm standing at the end of the isle waiting for my future bride I can't help but smile. I have no doubt in my mind that we are meant to be. She's beautiful, smart, kind, loyal, the list goes on. And that's when I see her, she is perfect, walking down the isle towards me. I think I start crying at some point, but I really can't bring myself to care.  As we stand across from each other I barely register the words coming from the priest's mouth, all I can think about is her and I wouldn't have it any other way. We finally say out I do's,  and then we kiss. We've kissed a thousand times, but this was by far the best. Oh wow I love her.

Gilly's POV

Goodbye Gillian Cobbler, hello Gillian Porter. I wouldn't want it any other way.

A/N YEP I CRIED! Thanks so much to all of you who have supported this book, and all my other ones. I hope you liked this story! If you want more FTRS fanfictions by me, I have two newish ones up, so you can check those out. (Shamelessly self advertising)

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