Harry Potter crossover

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A/N This is an instant where it is not mainly about Jilly. It is more about the ftrs crew being sorted into Hogwarts houses. Once again I do not own ftrs or Harry Potter. All of the chapter is In Jax's pov. Enjoy!

Jax's pov

I remember when Raz first told me about Hogwarts I had been intrigued, maybe even excited! But, honestly now that I'm here I'm kind of nervous. What if I'm not sorted into the same house as any of my friends.

As I walked into the great hall I saw an old woman standing near  a brown hat that sat on a stool. She looked rather intimidating just standing there. I quickly reached for Gilly's hand and latched on to it, as she gave me a reassuring smile.

When all of us first years had reached the front of the hall the woman began to speak. She started giving a speech but I wasn't really listening. I couldn't focus! There was a million thoughts rushing through my head. If I didn't get in the same house as Raz would my parents be disappointed? Would Raz herself be disappointed?

I looked at Gilly and she smiled a reassuring smile. She always knew how to calm me down. I was brought back to reality by the woman calling "Allison Grace!" A.G made her way up to sit on the stool, and the hat was placed on her head. The hat seemed to be thinking. "Ravenclaw" It finally called out.

Ollie was next and the same actions were repeated. This time the hat called out "Gryffindor!" They called Jocelyn's name and the hat took a lot less time deciding where she should go. "Slytherin!" Maxine went up next. She was sorted into Hufflepuff. Kayla went after her. She was sorted into Slytherin. That kind of surprised me. What didn't surprise me was that Jack was also in Slytherin.

Man, I did not like that guy. He's been trying to get with Gilly since the day he stepped into this school. That reminded me that Gilly and I were the last to go. I heard her call my name, and I  looked one last time at Gilly. She gave me another smile. Then I sat down on the stool. The hat was placed on my head.  It was weird all of a sudden  the hat started talking to me. "Ah, very smart. Also cunning and brave. You would excel in Slytherin,though you might be challenged more in Gryffindor, or even Ravenclaw."  The hat made up it's mind. It shouted "Ravenclaw!"

At least I have A.G with me. Although Gilly got Gryffindor. I'm sure I'll see all of them. And at night I have A.G. I'm in the same house Raz was in when she went to school here. I'm excited for this year. All I know is that as long as I have Gilly, I'll face whatever comes my way.

A/N It's longer than usual. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please vote
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