Chapter 24

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I let out the loudest scream I think I ever have.

Eli comes rushing in from his bedroom next door.

He grabs my arm and helps lead me out of the room, already knowing what is happening.

My parents are quick to join Eli and they all help get me into the car, grabbing my bag on the way outside.

My mom drives, my dad sits next to her, Isabella sits in the very back, and Eli and I sit in the middle row.

My brother grabs my hand as he tries to calm my breathing.

"It's okay." Eli assures me.

"I know, it just really hurts." I cry.

"You are going to be okay." My mom assures me.

"Shut up, mom, you never gave birth." I fire back, my mom had to get a c-section with me, so she never really experienced this.

"I'll tell Parker." Eli says, taking out his phone and texting my boyfriend to tell him I will soon have a child.

The drive to the hospital usually isn't too bad, but when you are in labor, it feels like an eternity.

I just want this pain to be over with.

When we get there, we all rush inside, I want pain medication.

Once I get in the room, they are able to confirm that I am in labor and almost ready to deliver.

This is terrifying.

This process is going to take hours.

I am hoping that because she is 5 weeks early, she should be in the smaller side, and I hope that means that it won't be as painful as it would be if she was bigger.

This is still going to be the most painful thing I've ever experienced though.


After hours of crying, pushing, and screaming, it's all over.

When the nurse hands the crying baby over to me, I immediately put her against my skin and start to sob.

She is perfect. She is absolutely gorgeous.

After a bit, once everything is cleaned up and the chaos has settled, my family is able to all come see me.

Eli is the first to breakdown crying, followed my dad, then my mom, then Isabella.

They all surround me as we just take in the moment.

Once we all cry a bit, we calm down.

My family all meets her and they cry when they look into her big brown eyes.

"What are you naming her?" Eli asks as he holds her.

I asked so many people for suggestions, this is a huge decision. Everyone in my family gave me a few ideas.

"Valerie," I announce. "Valerie Harper Allen." I tell them.

"That's pretty." My mom tells me.

"You really picked my choice?" Eli asks me.

"Yeah, it's so pretty, I love it, it's perfect." I tell my brother. He really did come up with the perfect name for her. "And I made your favorite her middle name." I tell my little sister, I liked them both, but I thought Valerie was a bit of a better choice for my daughter.

"Thanks." My little sister says with a smile.

"I'm a mom. I cannot believe I'm a mom. I have a daughter, she's here. It just seems so, unreal." I say.

Now that she is born and in my arms, I have no idea what to do.

Everything just feels so different now.

"Everything is going to be fine." Eli tells me. "You are going to do a great job." Eli assures me.

"I'm not ready to deal with a screaming baby all night." Isabella whines.

"And I'm not ready to be a grandma, but here I am." My mom responds to her.

"I'm really proud of you for getting through this." My dad says. "Giving birth is hard."

"Trust me, I know." I tell him.

"Es, you have been through so much over the past few years, I am so proud of you." Eli tells me.

"Thanks E." I tell my brother.

He has been my biggest supporter this entire time, he cares about me so much and I am beyond lucky to have such an amazing brother.

"You are going to be the best mother ever Es, she's really lucky to have you as her mom." Eli says.

"She's really lucky to have us all. She has the best aunt, uncle, and grandparents here with her right now. Thank you all so much for helping me get through all of this everyone." I tell them.

"I love you sis." Isabella tells me.

"I love you too, I love all of you."

There was going to be one more chapter, but I've been stuck for actually a year, so like, this is it, the epilogue should be up next Tuesday.

Also, my dad is going to drive me beyond insane.

Also, I couldn't walk, so I went to the ER, and now I'm having COVID symptoms, and they didn't even fix my foot.

So now I can't walk and I might have COVID. So like, that sucks.

Also it's Election Day, and Trump better not win, I'm not voting because my COVID test hasn't come back yet, and I'm not leaving my house because of that. Either way Biden is winning my state because like, NY never goes red, so if Trump wins, I'm blaming the swing states.

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