Chapter 15

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"Estella." I hear as I walk into the school.

When I turn, I see none other than Parker Madison.

"How are you this morning?" He asks me, joining me on the walk to first period.

He seems to be talking to me more since the break up.

He must finally not be afraid to talk to me at school anymore.

But as of today, I am 20 weeks pregnant, I am halfway there.

Any day now, it's going to be clearly visible.

"Pretty good." I tell him.

I have been so much happier since I finally got rid of Jacob.

"That's good." He smiles. "Things have been better then?" He questions.

"Yeah, they have been." I say, truthfully.

"I'm really happy about that, you deserve it." He tells me.

"Trust me, I know." I say.

I really do deserve better.


"Hey, Estella." I hear from behind me.

"Hi." I turn around to greet Parker.

I don't even care that everyone has been looking at us since the breakup.

I really don't care about the cheating rumors.

Because as of one minute and forty seven seconds ago, high school is officially over.


After all these years, it's finally over.

I never have to see these people again.

And I won't have to see Jacob on the daily anymore.

I just hope Parker and I don't lose touch.

Well everyone else goes to college come fall, I'm going to be at home, caring for my child.

I'm still going to college, I am just taking the first semester off, because I don't want to have my child mid-semester and miss a bunch of the material I need to pass my courses, so my parents and I decided that taking the first semester, or even year, off, would be the smartest decision.

"Did you want to go somewhere for a little bit?" Parker asks me.

"Sure." I respond probably a little too quickly. "Where were you thinking?" I ask, failing at my attempt to cover my excitement.

"I don't know, I was hoping you would have an idea." He tells me.

I end up dragging him to my favorite restaurant.

Because I have been eating way too much recently and I always need food.

I'm just going to blame it all on the pregnancy and not my lack of self-control.

The entire hour that goes by in the restaurant with Parker feels as though it was a few seconds.

I know I should be more on guard and less trusting than so am, especially after what Jacob did.

But with Parker, I can't help but just trust him.

Since the beginning he has giving me no signs, no reason to distrust him.

All he has ever done is help me, and showed me he cares.

And I think he actually likes me.

Unlike Jacob, I think he truly cares for me, and actually likes me in the same way I like him.

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