Chapter 10

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I follow Jacob as he pulls me to his car by my wrist.

After basically getting shoved into the passenger seat, he slams the door before getting in the drivers seat.

I watch everyone as he drives us away from the school to his house, wishing I was anywhere else.

As always, the drive to his house is short and silent.

And as usual, no one is home.

I wish his family was home more.

Then, I wouldn't be here alone with as much.

Maybe, then someone would be here to hear me.

To help me.

When I feel my phone vibrate, I look at it.

A text from Eli reads, 'your car is still here, need me to call the police?'

I send back a quick, 'not now' before Jacob can see me with my phone out.

I love Eli, he is the sweetest little brother ever.

'alright, keep me updated' lights up my phone.

Suddenly, Jacob turns, and without wasting a fraction of a second, he hits my face.

"If you aree going to cheat it on me, maybe don't do it behind me, I can see you texting." He tells me, obviously not even caring that he just hit me.

"I was texting my brother." I tell him truthfully.

"Liar, you don't have a brother." He accuses.

"Yes I do." I argue.

Why would I make up a brother?

"You have never mentioned a brother in the last four years, Estella." He points out.

"I have two younger siblings a brother and a sister." I tell him.

"Liar." He hits me. "You were texting your other boyfriend." He accuses.

"I don't have another boyfriend." I say, truthfully.

I would never cheat on anyone.

I may not want to be with Jacob, but I still wouldn't cheat on him.

"Just stop lying to me, Estella." He demands.

"I would if I were lying, but I'm not." I tell him.

I actually hate him so much.

Like I'm not going to say I'm lying when I'm not?


"Yes you are." He insists.

"I can assure you I am not lying, I have had a brother for the last fifteen years." I tell him.

He hits me again.

"Tell me the truth." He demands.

"I am, but apparently it's not what you want to hear." I tell him.

Gosh, I need to learn to shut my mouth and cut down on my sarcasm.

My mouth is seriously going to get me killed soon.

"Who are you cheating on me with? It's Parker, isn't it?" He questions.

"What is wrong with you? I have never cheated on you. I'm not an awful person, I know how to actually respect a person." I snap at him.

"What are you implying?" He angrily questions.

"I'm implying that you don't." I admit.

"What is that support mean?" He asks, getting a closer to snapping.

"It means that you tray me like garbage. Normal boyfriend's don't hit their girlfriend, or I don't know, force them to be in a relationship with them. Or force them to do things they don't want to do." I tell him.

"You aren't breaking up with me, Estella." He says.

"I know that. You would never let me. Because like everything else, this isn't my choice, nothing ever is." I yell at him.

"You're my girlfriend, Estella. You are supposed to listen to me." He says.

"That's not how a relationship works, that's just me being controlled, and that's how it's been for four years, and I'm tired of it." I yell back.

Next thing I know I'm getting hit and pushed to the floor.

"What are you hiding, I can tell you are cheating on me. And if it's not that, it's something else." He accuses.

I manage to get back onto my feet.

"I'm pregnant, okay. And I don't care what you have to say, what you plan to do, I am keeping my child. I have had no say in anything, so I'm taking control of one thing, this is my choice. I am not getting an abortion, I am raising my child and you are not going to have any part in their life." I snap, instantly regretting it.

"You're getting an abortion, Estella." He demands.

"I don't care who I have to involve, how many lawyers I need to hire, I am getting my way, and I'm getting away from you." I say, running out of his house before he can say anything, or get ahold of me.

And for some reason, I call Parker.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Please come get me." I beg, sobbing.

"I'll be right there." He promises, already knowing where to go.

The second I see his car I get inside, not even caring that Jacob is watching me through the window.

Immediately he drives away.

He stops when we are at an empty park.

"Estella, I'm sorry." He apologizes.

"No, you didn't do anything and I don't want pity." I tell him.

"Estella-" he starts.

"Don't feel bad for me, I'm taking care of what I need to, I can deal with this." I assure him.

Things just need to get worse before I fix them apparently.

"Estella, every time I see you, you have new bruises, or new cuts, things just seem to be getting worse." He tells me.

"He is convinced I'm dating you now, so sorry, for getting you involved, and having you pick me up just puts an even bigger target on you." I apologize.

"I think I got myself involved, and I can handle it, I just need to get you away from him, for good." He tells me.

"I'm working on it." I assure him.

"But what just happened? You seem pretty shaken up." He points out.

"We were just talking, and as always, he didn't like what I had to say." I explain, wishing I didn't have to like Parker.

"Did you try and break up with him or something?" He asks me. "It looks like he hit you pretty hard." He adds, his sadness clear.

"It's not that, he just thinks I'm always lying and is convinced, and even told me that I'm just here to obey and listen." I explain to him.

"Im going to help you, Estella. Things are going to get better." He says, sounding rather confident.

"I hope, but I doubt it."

It's my last day of being a minor, and I have big plans for my birthday.

Kind of, just a few things with friends, a dog walk, and a trip to a bakery. And no work.

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