Is he waiting for me?

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(Italics means that they're thinking it)
There he was waiting for me by the school gates. "Jeongin what should I do? I don't want to seem rude!" I said biting my fingernail. "I don't think you should talk to him but if you want to I'll be here waiting for you." He told me with a worried look on his face. "I'm gonna go tell him that I don't want to talk to him anymore. Then it'll all be over right?". I said hopefully. Jeongin shrugged and I walked over to Felix with my hands in my pockets.
"Oh hey Seungmin what are you doing here?" Felix said to me. I froze. "Oh I was just coming to tell ask you if you could uh drive me home..?" I stuttered. I was shocked. So embarrassed that I felt the red show up on my cheeks. "HYUNJIN FINALLY!! Come here mate!" Felix yelled. Hyunjin? Who's that? Oh no. No. No. No. The most popular guy in school. He couldn't be gay right? Is Felix even gay? What am I thinking. They're popular. I don't stand a chance. "Hyunjin this is Seungmin. Seungmin this is Hyunjin." Felix said smiling at both of us. I put on a smile "Uh hey are you..?" I asked. I was so uncomfortable I didn't know what to do or say. "Good! And you?" He replied. "Im fine haha um I should get back to my friend and felix I'll just walk home. Seems like you're kinda busy!" I tried to say with a fake smile. I learned that fake smiling is a lot harder than it looks. "Uh alright bye Seungmin if you want I can drive you again tomorrow!" Felix told me. "No it's fine I'm fine hahah" I said walking away. Shit obviously he doesn't care for me that way. How could I catch feels that fast?! He's popular he's obviously straight. Ughh. I turned around one last time just to see hyunjin place a light peck on felix's cheek. What the fuck.
I started to cry. Jeongin gave me a big hug and took me to the boys bathroom. It smelt like urine and b.o. "Im sorry i should've listened Im so stupid obviously he would have a boyfriend/girlfriend!" I stuttered. "You didn't know minmin it's okay" he said still wrapping his arms around me. "Innie can we go home?" I said to wiping my tears with the sleeves of my dark grey hoodie. "We still have classes though!" He said. I looked up at him wiping the rest of my tears. "Y-You're right lets go." We picked up our bags and went to my house. We did as we planned. Ate the wonton soup and wrote songs. It definitely took Felix and hyunjin off my mind. But it was tucked back there. When Jeongin left those thoughts flooded my mind like a tsunami. Were they really a couple or was it a dare? Maybe they do that because they're rich? Nah that doesn't make sense. Ughh I don't even know why I bothered innie. I hate myself. I hate myself. I HATE MYSELF. No. I don't. It was an accident it'll be ok by tomorrow. There's no way he could've catched feelings that quick. I'm just stupid poor kid that feels something he doesn't even understand. I'm just going to sleep on it. I hope it was just a dream...

Why won't you choose me? | Seunglix/Hyunlix/SeunginWhere stories live. Discover now