The Lollipop

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This little coffee-skinned;
Barefooted, his feet burn.
Eyes were wide, awakened;
While his breadbasket's growlin'.

Zoom in, zoom out;
I hold this focusing on his mouth.
Dried, thirst might have tasted,
Should've been a perfect shot, twisted.

Curls, shorter than an inch,
Mud's all over his cloth.
Wondering around, a pinch;
In my heart, I'll comfort.

Knelt, so I could level his eyes on me,
Mud's sticking on my knee.
Stretched a pair of lollipop,
Two for him, yet one's given back.

My eyes watered, my shutter's shut.
I smiled at him, he beamed so wide.
He opened his, gladness sought,
This little child is bona fide.

For minutes I witnessed;
A real-life treasure.
For awhile, bedazzled;
From his taintless demeanor.

I raised the lense, so I could capture;
Not his droughty lips.
I click, a flash uproared;
For his genuine smile, uplift.

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