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Birds in the sky are gone,
The field went silent.
Street lights are turned on,
The time when I loosen my secrets.

It always goes sad,
My mind screams, I wish I wasn't bad.
Like the dark, sharp grasses that sting;
I wish my words weren't so mean.

The swing where I sway so far,
Slams me back too hard.
Like the pride I used to stow away,
Brings me more to my ruddy days.

All quite, all at peace.
But not my heart full of regrets.
The times when I was so faulty,
I wish I should have been friendly.

The dimly lit house of mine,
Adds gloom to my lonely life.
The sundown says it's like an art,
My soul's awefully amazing, it hurts.

Sundown is beautiful,
But it treats me bad.
The pain, sadness and despites,
The nightfall again has divulged.

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