The both of them laugh uncontrollably as Kai takes an exit off the highway. "Where are we going?" Daisy asks.

Kai smiles faintly. "Downtown."

Kai pushed opened the large, stone door to the museum. The ceiling was high, with detailed architecture that draped down onto the walls and down to the tile. A fountain sculpture stood in the middle of the round room the door opened them to, and multiple signs were hung at the top of different archways to guide them down to each part of the museum.

"Can I help you?" A woman says from behind them. Daisy and Kai turn around. She was older, maybe Susan's age, with fake red hair and bland makeup.

"We're good, thanks." Kai smiled a bit, before turning back around.

"How old are you guys?" The woman asks again, not out of curiosity, but more out of disgust.

Kai turns back around. "Why does it matter?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school?" She asks with a fake smile.

"Field trip." Kai says, bluntly. Daisy hid a smile.

"Mhm, right." The woman nods. "Yeah and where's the rest of your school?"

Kai inhaled before speaking again. "It's just us." He smiles. "Yeah, it's a shame. We seem to be the only students at our school who seemed to care for the arts." He sighs, Daisy rolls her eyes.

The woman eyes them suspiciously. "What's your school called?"

"Oh my god, is that Robert De Niro?!" Daisy widens her eyes, pointing past the woman.

The woman quickly turns around, to which Daisy yanked Kai's hand and began running in the other direction toward one of the halls. The two laughed, glancing behind them to see the woman speaking into the walkie-talkies on her belt.

Their laughter echoed throughout the halls, as they pushed past innocent bystanders to find a good place to stop running. "Here!" Kai says quickly, yanking Daisy in the other direction suddenly.

They stumble into a dark room, that seemed to be playing a short film of some sort. The moviegoers all turn to see who just swung open the door so loud. Daisy and Kai swallow, waving awkwardly as they sat down on one of the empty benches.

A black and white film played in the projector screen in front of them, it showed men and women from decades ago building what looked like Portland now. The two breathed rapidly, trying to quiet down their laughter.

"We're screwed." Daisy whispered.

"What are they gonna do? Arrest us for not going to school?" Kai says.

"Possibly." Daisy says back.

"Shh!" An old woman turns around from the bench in front of them and hushes them.

"No you." Daisy snaps back, putting her finger to her lips, the woman turned around confusedly and Kai snorted. "This is much better than Chemistry class." Daisy whispers as she rests her head on Kai's shoulder.

He plants a peck on the top of her head. "Isn't it?"

The door swings open again, and the two quickly sit up and face towards the projector, trying to look very focused on the film while trying to hold in laughter.

"There they are." The woman from earlier says, Kai and Daisy turn towards the door to see a big security guard walking towards them and grabbing their shoulders.

"You can't just kick us out we didn't do anything!" Kai says, as he's dragged off the bench and pushed towards the door.

"You didn't pay for entry." The security guard responds.

Daisy widens her eyes and looks at Kai who had the same expression. "Oh, yeah, okay that makes sense." He shrugs, as they continue to be pushed out the door.

"I can walk on my own." Daisy pushes the man off her and shakes herself off, before the security guard opens a door and guides them back out onto the streets.

Daisy turns to say one last thing but the door was slammed in her face before she got a chance. She turns to Kai with an angry expression. "We had to pay?"

He shrugs quickly. "How was I supposed to know?!"

Daisy facepalms, before letting out laughter. Kai begins to chuckle along with her, and he wraps his arms around her in a hug as she continued to laugh.

Her laughter dies down and she looks up at him with a smile. He thinks for a second before speaking again. "Let's go get pizza."

kai parker • villains of circumstance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now