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Mick grumbled as he walked out of the venue doors.
The show was absolutely awful in his opinion.

Everyone is so depressed they can barley function and Mick knows the fans can tell.

Mick pulled his hat down further on his head.
He stuffs his hands into his pocket as he keeps walking towards the tour bus.

There aren't too many people out back here. Just the staff working to clean up after the show.

Mick leans against the wall of the building as he tried to gather his thoughts. So many things have happened in such a short time.
The death of Paul Gray has broken the whole band.

Mick knows that eventually they will get back up on there feet because that's what Paul would have wanted.

Mick grumbles to himself as all the negative thoughts swirl in his head.

Suddenly he hears what sounds like sobbing.

He looks around but doesn't see any one.

Mick scrunch his eyebrows together as he tries to locate where the sound is coming from.

Mick looks down the dark alley. The night sky has made the alley almost pitched black.

Mick looks around. He starts walking down the alley.

The sound seems to be coming from the corner.

Mick scrunches his nose as his nostrils are attacked with the sent of the trash.

Mick looks down and notices someone's legs between two trash bags.

Mick hesitates before taking a closer look.

When he looks closer he realizes it's a small child.

Mick feels his heart ache.

He crouches down in front of the child and moves the trash bags away from the kid.

"Hey kid," Mick speaks.

The child flinches at his voice but looks up at him.

Mick realizes its a girl that looks about five or six.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Mick speaks sympathetically.

The child wipes her eyes and hugs her knees to her chest.

"Where are your parents?" Mick asks.

"Car crash," the kid whispers.

Mick feels his heart break again.

"So you're all alone?" Mick questions.

The child nods.

Mick feels even worse.

"How long have you been out here?" Mick asks.

"Two weeks I think," the child mutters.

Mick feels his heart break. This child has been on her own for two weeks!?! And who know what people have done to her, the streets aren't necessarily a safe place.

"Have you been in this spot for two weeks," Mick asks.

The kid shakes her head.

"I've been her for a couple of hours," she mumbles.

Mick nods.

"Do you have anyone you can stay with?" Mick asks even though he feels it's a stupid question.

"I don't know," the kid shrugs.

Mick nods and thinks for a second.

"Can I touch you?" Mick asks calmly.

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