Clarke's mouth watered at the sight. When she looked up, Lexa had a smirk before she sauntered off. She shook her head because Lexa could say she was a tease all she wanted, but Clarke knew she wasn't the only one.

Taking a deep breath, Clarke headed inside.


The week went much faster than Lexa thought it would. She found herself with knots in her stomach when she woke up the day of her first game back. The only thing that helped was Clarke. She glanced over next to her to see Clarke sleeping soundly which was a very good thing because Clarke needed her rest.

She snuck out of bed quietly to take a shower, knowing she only had a few hours until she had to be at the field. It felt strange, falling back into her familiar old routine. Lexa pressed a kiss to Clarke's forehead and brushed her hair back from her face. Lexa took a moment to just look at her because she loved seeing her so at peace.

Making her way into the adorning bathroom she closed the door quietly behind her. She stripped off her boxers while the shower warmed up. Lexa grabbed her toothbrush, applied toothpaste and brushed her teeth while she waited. Anything to distract her from what was coming.

It wasn't that she didn't want to play, Lexa loved the game, it was the thought of being on the field again and not seeing Clarke there again.

That was her biggest fear.

Logically she knew he was in jail and would never touch her again, but part of her still feared, he would find a way to get to her. Lexa never voiced these fears out loud to anyone other than her therapist because she didn't want to scare Clarke when she was already scared enough.

With her mind plagued with thoughts, Lexa stepped under the hot spray, but it did little to ease the tension in her back and shoulders like it usually did. She kept her head under the water and let the water beat down because if anything, the heat of the water kept her from thinking too much for a moment.

When hands wrapped around her and she felt a naked body press against her own, Lexa tensed until she recognized who it was. Feeling Clarke's wet body slide against hers, had her dick springing to attention.

"Did I wake you?" Lexa's voice was filled with desire. She longed to take control and have her way with Clarke, but would never push her. Right now, with the way she was feeling, Lexa was afraid she would snap, she was so wound up. Today was going to hard and she wished she could fuck the tension out, but knew it wasn't an option.

"No," Clarke's hands kneaded her shoulders and Lexa released a long, drawn out groan as Clarke continued to massage her back and shoulders, "You okay?"

"Yes," Lexa grit out, her hands clenched in fists at her side.

"Are you sure?" Clarke touched her face, but Lexa didn't want Clarke to see her right now. The last thing, Lexa wanted to do was scare her. She thought back to the night she fucked Clarke on the patio, how eager and wanting she was, how much they both enjoyed it.

Until the moment had been ruined the next day.

She wanted to relieve that experience in a different setting to wash away the bad memories, but knew Clarke wasn't ready for that level of aggression.

"I'm okay," Lexa moaned when Clarke's nails scratched her abs and across her pelvic bone, "Clarke..." She warned, but Clarke didn't listen.

"What can I do, baby?" Clarke husked and kissed her neck and shoulders, "Tell me how I can help?"

"You're driving me crazy," Lexa pressed her head against the shower wall.


"Clarke, I don't think I can control myself today, so please..." She bit her bottom lip hard, almost drawing blood as she struggled, "Please...stop."

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