The nurse went around and injected something into her IV against Lexa's protests, "No, I don't need anything, I just want to leave, please. I need to, I need-" Her eyesight got blurry and Octavia and the nurse swam in and out of focus before the haze of sleep pulled up under.

The tile floor felt like ice against her bare legs. But Lexa couldn't stand if she wanted to. Clarke glared down at her with angry blue eyes, "you don't really love me or you would have fucking told the truth!"

Clarke stormed out of the room leaving Lexa cold and shivering by the washer, "but I love you Clarke!" she crawled after her reaching to the closed door. She should have told her. She shouldn't have fucked her on the porch when she had a stalker...

Her phone rang. Sobbing Lexa answered it, "hello?"

"Is this Ms Lexa Woods?" Officer Green's voice asked her.

Lexa got up on shaking legs, "this is Lexa. Who is this?"

"This is the police department, we need you to come down to the station and identify a body. Your number is the last contact called. Can you come down?"

"I...umm...sure," Lexa stumbled over her words, "But who do you think it is?"

"Ma'am, just please come down to the station and we can talk about it then," Officer Green asked politely.

Lexa opened the laundry room door and she was in the waiting room of the police station and looked around for the officer, "I was told to come down here asap, I'm..."

"Miss. Woods, thank you for coming down so quickly," The officer shook her hand, "If you could follow me, please," She gestured for her to follow.

She did, and the officer led her down a long gray corridor with bad lighting. She could hear the sound of their steps echoing and the occasional person they passed would look at her in pity and quickly scramble away. They stopped outside a door at last and the officer opened it, "she's in here." they said to her, motioning Lexa to go in first.

With her heart in her throat she stepped into the room and only managed a few steps horrified by the sight of a body under a sheet on a steel autopsy table. The officer loudly whipped the sheet back revealing Clarke's body naked and sallow under bright light and Lexa screamed and scrambled backward until she hit the door biting her hand.

The television was the first thing, Lexa heard when blinked her eyes open again. Her heart was pounding out of her chest and tears streamed down her face that she wiped away. It was just a dream, only a dream. She kept repeating to herself over and over again, but it didn't help because her life had become a living nightmare.

The room was dark and the drapes were open and she could see the streetlamps shining in through the window, so it had to have been a few hours since she woke up before. She glanced up at her friends who were all their talking in hushed voices.

"We need to talk to her," Octavia hissed.

"No, she needs to rest," Anya stood with her arms folded in front of her bed.

"Shouldn't Lexa make the decision on her own," Lincoln suggested.

"Whoever sent the picture must like watching Lexa hurt." Anya spoke up.

"I think hurting Lexa is just a bonus because they took Clarke and the texts started with her and maybe Lexa was just in the way," Lincoln shrugged his shoulders.

"Linc, I think you have a valid point, but right now our main focus should be finding Clarke first," Octavia leaned against her boyfriend.

"There's obviously more going on then we know," Raven stood side to side with Anya. "Look, I have Lexa's phone, so maybe we can use it somehow. I've started to look at it, but I'll need more time to-"

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