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Namjoon's POV

All week Y/N had been freaking out about this typhoon that was supposed to come a few days ago and I didn't.

Something new I learned about her is that she is well prepared for everything.

 She will think of all things that could go wrong and prepare for it.

At first, I was a bit concerned, but I also found it very cute.

 She has extra of everything, bottled water, and canned food.

She straight up told me that if there were to be a zombie apocalypse we would be all set.

I honestly don't know what to do with her sometimes, The way her mind works always leaves me at a loss for words.

Today I decided to work from home and take it easy.

 I gave the entire office a half-day, We have all been working on this huge project and they all deserve a little break.

Moving away from my laptop I make my way I pick up my phone, No messages from Y/N.

I feel a bit disappointed but she must be busy.

 Going to the delivery app, browsing to see what I should eat for lunch when the bell rings.

What the...

I go to the door and there standing with a bunch of bags. "We come with Lunch hyung," Jimin says cheerfully as he walks past me. 

The others do the same making their way to the living room.

I notice they are all standing around by the couch, reaching them I notice that they are giggling and smiling at the sleeping Haku.

He is on the couch belly up, his tongue sticking out as he snores loudly. 


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Hobi giggles " I have never seen a cat snore before"

"Haku is something else," I tell them.

They all sit around and begin to pass around the food.

As the room fills with the smell of meat rice and veggies, Haku wakes up.

He moves closer to me while keeping his eyes on my food.

Immediately I know what he wants and I can't give it to him, Y/N would kill me.

"No," I tell him in a warning tone.

 He gets up and sits again while he looks from the food to me.

"No, you can't," I tell him.

Haku puts his paw on my hand and meows.

"Your mom will get mad" I remind him. He rubs his head on my leg and meows again.

Falling for my Wife. (Namjoon FF)✔Where stories live. Discover now