They spilled out.

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Namjoon POV                                                    ⚠️smut ahead⚠️

The day goes hellishly slow for lack of wording.

I can't concentrate on my work as all I see is my wife sprawled over my desk, red cheek as she tries to catch her breath.

I have never seen anything more beautiful than her, all wrecked by an orgasm.

With a sigh I sign the last of the papers and leave, heading straight home.

Thanks to the amount of traffic, it takes me way longer than usual to get home.

Walking in I am greeted by our fur babies as Y/N calls them.

Kevin happily wags his tail while Haku burbs himself on my legs.

"You missed me, guys?" I coo at them getting a bark and a meow as a response.

Chuckling I give them a few scratches as they tumble over themselves.

Making my way to my room, I decided to take a quick shower, both Kevin and Haku follow me to the bathroom having no notion of personal space.

"Do you guys really need to follow me all the way to the bathroom?" I ask in amusement only to get a meow from Haku.

Quickly finishing my business I get dressed and take Kevin for his walk, the whole time his little but wiggles as we walk around.

I love taking walks and to have a dog who enjoyed it as much if not more as I do, is just amazing.

But all these things are do to Y/N, Life seems more fun. 

Even since she came into my life, every day is an adventure, filled with laughter, love, and fun.

If only I could tell her exactly how she makes me feel.

Walking back home I wonder If I should tell her and If so when?

My heart feels so full that there are times I just want to scream it out, but will she reciprocate those feelings.

I mean You don't have to love someone to sleep with them, right?

I mean I have done the sex with no feelings before, but with her is so different. 

With her I feel so much, I feel too much.

Reaching the house I see that Y/N's car is parked by mine.

My blood begins to pump, I have been craving her like she was the last glass of water in the desert.

Letting Kevin off his leash I head upstairs in search of my wife.

I look In my room but she is not there I just head to hers.

Her door is wide open so I just get in, there in all her beautiful glory stands Y/N wrapped in a towel as she dries her hair.

I want her, now.

Closing the door behind me I take two long steps, grabbing her by her waist I bring her close to me slamming my lips on hers.

She is caught off guard that she gasps as her towel slips to the floor.

Completely naked she wraps her arms around me kissing me back with as much want and need as I am kissing her.

I feel her squirm in my arms, rubbing herself against me.

I can't take her grinding on me one more time. 

My balls are full of cum for her. 

I'm going to possess every inch of her, fuck her pretty pussy on her bed.

Falling for my Wife. (Namjoon FF)✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora