Chapter 2

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Lexa was out early again like she'd been every morning for the past week. She tried to pretend that it had nothing to do with the blonde surfer, but knew she was only lying to herself. The only reason she got up an hour earlier was just to be able to catch a glimpse of her. She didn't even know her name, but the blonde had completely captivated her.

She wasn't disappointed when she got to the beach. Lexa saw her out in the waves as usual. She couldn't keep her eyes off her while she started her warm-up. How could she, when she was surfing like she was born to do it? Lexa watched her lean into the eve and drag her hand through it.

Lexa started her run, but her attention was on the surfer and not on running. She wasn't keeping her up her usual pace, but she didn't care.

She wondered about the balance it must take to stay on the board, and thought for a brief second what it must be like for her. That girl had some massive skills. She couldn't help but wonder what other skills she might have.

She felt herself getting a little turned on and tried her best to think of something else, but it was next to impossible as the half wetsuit was painted on and she could make out the generous swell of her breasts and toned arms. She admired her firm butt and lean legs flexing to stay upright.

Lexa was content to stay there and watch her instead of finishing her run, but she noticed the blonde heading towards the beach. She never did that. Lexa panicked and didn't know whether to stay or go. The blonde was getting closer and closer, riding the wave as far as she could before stepping on her board.

With her coming closer, it did mean Lexa got an even better view and wasn't at all disappointed. She was gorgeous with her golden skin, toned body, and beautiful blonde hair.

Lexa was freaking out. It was surprising to a lot of her friends how she could be so commanding on the field, but completely shy when it came to girls. She had a girlfriend, but her ex was the one who pursued her and then dumped her before they left for college.

Her friends picked on her relentlessly because they found her lack of game hilarious. She was a good looking girl who could have her pick of women, but could barely manage a single conversation with a pretty girl. She had no game what so ever and her friends had tried to help, but they couldn't. She was hopeless.

She didn't allow herself to think about it. She just turned and sprinted away, when she saw the surfer look down to grab her board.

She didn't want too, but her feet were moving before her mind caught up. Maybe another day, she'd have the guts to actually talk to her.

Lexa shook her head as she continued to sprint down the beach.

She'd been waiting for days to work up the courage to talk to her and at the very real possibility of it actually happening, she hightailed it out there.

She may have just lost her chance.


Clarke was out on the water trying to enjoy the peace. It wasn't working as her mind wasn't on surfing like, but instead of a phone call she received. She had a conversation with her mom the night before and as usual, what Clarke was doing wasn't enough. She was wasting her life, she needed to do more then surf all the time. It was just a hobby.

Surfing wasn't a logical choice, and she needed to focus on an actual career. The usual spiel she got anytime she answered the phone. One of the many reasons she avoided her calls like the plague. It just made her miss her dad that much more. She knew he would have supported her. He always told her to follow her dreams and be happy.

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