The Basics (An Author's Note)

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This is my first Ineffable Husbands/Ineffable Spouses fanfic (it's not my first fanfic though). I'm very excited to write this out, and I'm hoping you enjoy it. Before you begin reading, there's just a few things to know. 

1. The cover was created using the app Pic Collage. Any of the images used don't belong to me, but rather their respect creators.

2. Good Omens belongs to Neil Gailman, Terry Parchett, and Amazon Prime/BBC. I'm not claiming to own Good Omens, I just own the plot line for this story.

3. Crowley is going to be written as gender fluid.

4. I have no plans on writing smut. Sorry to all the darlings who wanted some. I mean, things could change, but I wouldn't depend on it.

5. Updates aren't guaranteed to be normal. I'll try to update regularly, but I can't guarantee it. Sorry sweeties.

6. Comments and votes are greatly appreciated. I'll try to get back when you leave comments, but I don't always have access to the internet. I'm not ignoring you, and hopefully I'll be able to respond soon.

7. I don't plan on writing anything triggering here. If I think there's anything, I'll mark it in the beginning of the chapter.

8. Please don't repost this anywhere. Thank you!


Biological family doesn't always mean everything. Biological family can hurt you, break you, mock you, or leave you. Blood doesn't always mean everything. True family isn't defined by blood, but rather by true love that can never be taken or forsaken.

Warlock Dowling was more than happy to receive the news that Nanny Ashtoreth and Brother Francis are willing to take him and raise him as their own. Although, he did receive a rather large shock upon learning the identity of his former nanny and gardener. But that doesn't really matter, all that matters is that Warlock has the family he always wanted.

With adventures that only God could have though up and romances that have been boiling for centuries, the small little town of Tadfield is in for an awakening that no one expected. And sometimes, the unplanned things are the best.

Started: August 11, 2020

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