I calmed down and relaxed."OK then. So what is making you so moody?"I asked.

"That bastard nurse doesn't want to tell me who the other Olvera was. And she's at the peak of death. I don't know what to do to get the truth out of her." He said angrily.

"I just think you should forget about the second sister. She may not even know we exist. And besides,you haven't been focused lately because because of this matter. You should let it go."

"Let it go?! Did you just say I should let it go?!"


"Get out of my office! Now!" He spat out. He was really losing his mind.

"Victor calm down,you......" He looked at me with a death glare and I knew I had to go.

"Fine then. Call me when you need me." I said before I left his office.

I decided to go back outside and check on Sylvia. I arrived and could see that she was getting a hang of it. I really liked Sylvia. I envied her sometimes. She was so pretty and gorgeous and Victor didn't deserve her. I knew Victor would still go around sleeping with other women. I always wondered what she saw in Victor when she was always pressuring me to make him notice her. She had been acting strange lately. We were not as close as before. I wondered why.

I arrived and approached them.

"So how is it going?" I asked no one in particular.

"She's actually doing very good. I'm impressed. She has good aim." Albeiro replied.

"Good to know."

"I wasn't really expecting myself to be this good at it." Sylvia said with a smile on her face.

"I think she is done with this one."


"Well yes. She hasn't missed.

"I think you should still teach her,just to be sure before she moves to another gun."

"OK then."

I looked around for any chair I could see. I saw one and went over there. Since I had nothing to do,I decided to watch Sylvia practice.


Victor's POV

I was mad and furious. I couldn't stay at work again. I decided to go back and kill the nurse finally. If she wasn't going to talk,it was high time I killed her.

I finally arrived home and went straight to the warehouse where I kept her. I barged into the room and went to the drawer to get a knife.

"I think it is about time I kill you. I should have done that a long time ago." I said and turned my gaze to my bodyguard.

"Hang her and strip her naked." I ordered.

He did as I instructed and tore her uniform to shreds.

"You are going to die a slow and painful death." I said to the nurse.

"You are a bastard Victor Soleire. You..."

I interrupted her sentence with a slap to the face. I had finished cutting her fingers and toes off her body. I wondered how she was still alive.

"Have a nice life in hell." I said before I started to cut her head off. She was screaming and crying. Blood was coming out of her mouth and nose. Soon,her head had fallen off her neck with blood gushing out.

"Do the rest Emilio. Cut off every single part of her body. Her arms,legs,breasts,stomach and the rest. It should be done by 7pm."

"Yes boss." Emilio said. I threw the knife at his direction and went to the sink to wash my bloody hands. I also had to change my shirt too. I was about to leave the room and remembered something. I turned to Emilio.

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