Chapter 8

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Hey guys. I didn't have time to crosscheck so there may be some mistakes along the way. Please bear with me.

Days had passed and I don't know what has been happening. All of a sudden,Victor has been so kind towards me. He calls me and asks how I am and I have been freaking out.
I hope he is not in love with me. But it has given me some advantages. At least I could get some information out of him,but it wasn't enough. I had only learnt about his business and his family but I had gotten nothing about my family.

Right now,Victor and I were in his living room. He was saying lame jokes and I was pretending to like them to go with the flow. He drifted away from the jokes to something else and what came out of his mouth made me confused. I didn't know whether I should be happy that at least I was earning his trust or I should be angry because I want to be nowhere near this man.

"Would you like to come for dinner and meet my entire family? I would organize a special dinner for you."

I didn't know what to reply him because in a way,I didn't want to. But opportunities come but once so this could be my only chance.

"Yeah of course. I would love to meet your family. Especially Alexander,the one you always talk about." I replied.

Alexander was Victor's first son who would take over Victor's business very soon. Anywhere in this house I go to,I must always hear his name. Victor said that I could go anywhere in the house that I wanted to go. So must times,I'm always in the kitchen and I always hear the maids discussing about him.

Yesterday,I heard another interesting conversation about Alexander and his so called fiancée.

"I wish he would notice me and not that witch Devana." I heard one of them say.

"I know right? I wonder what he sees in her anyway. She's just a witch." Another one of them said.

Most of them complained about his fiancée, Devana. They always called her a witch. Even Samantha despised her. Well,what was my business in this anyway?

"So when is he coming back from his trip?" I asked Victor. He said Alexander had been on a trip for two months now. I only asked because I wanted to seem interested in the dinner.

"Today. He will be home very soon.", he replied.

" And Ross?"I asked,remembering his other son.

"He also went on the trip with Alexander."

" Then I should get going. I wouldn't want to look horrible during dinner." I said as I stood up.

"OK then. You may go. I want you to look dazzling this night. The dinner is by 8pm.I bought you a lot of clothes last week. You can choose your gown from there. I bet you will look gorgeous." ,he said.

"Thank you so much for everything. I won't disappoint you." I said and walked over to Samantha. Samantha had been sitting on the couch, watching movies and eating popcorn. She was intrigued by the movie that she didn't even notice when I was in front of her.

"Samantha. Let's go." I said and she finally looked at me.

"About time. It has been two hours now. But at least I finished this movie. You should watch it." she said,smiling.

"What's the name of the movie?" I asked.

"Us." she replied back.

"OK. I will watch it let's go." I really wanted to go back home and Samantha was not helping matters.

"OK OK let's go." She said and stood up. I turned back and saw Victor staring at me. He smiled at me and I smiled back. Disgusting man!

Samantha and I left the house and were already heading home. I was really exhausted and all I wanted to do now was sleep. As usual,Samantha and I boarded a bus back home. We came down from the bus when we were almost at my house. In the bus,we had been silent throughout so I decided to tell Samantha what Victor said.

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