The Hang Up

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Sorry if this part is too short

This is my first time writing something

more than one chapter

Other than that ENJOY

Also you can give me ideas on what to

write about

HAVE FUN b(^-^)d


Jessica's dad called, she got happy, but he didn't talk to her that very moment so since she had family members over to her house for a visit she started talking to her cousins. The first person she started talking to was Carlos. Carlos is black, very tall, and has a lot of muscles . The conversastion started with me like this

• So Carlos what's up

• Not much Jessica so you gonna talk to your dad

• But Im talking to you right now

• I know later like after we're done

• Well I guess so

• How's school going getting good grades?

• Yea I got B's & C's

• Well that's good

(Mom yells from ketchen)


(Conversation b/w Jessica and her father)

•Jessica what's going on

•Im good you?

•Yea in good how's school?

•Yea it good guess what I have a boyfriend and he kissed me on the chick today

•What the f**k your young are you f**king serious

•(Jessica's response) HANG UP

"Here mom I don't want to talk anymore." Mom checks the phone and sees that no one is there so she put it away. 2 minutes later her father calls again and says "Mom put Jessica on the phone."

•what do you want daddy

•what the f**k do I want. I want you tell me why that boy kissed you.

• (so she explained the whole story)

•listen Jessica I don't want you talking to that boy OK


•put your grandmother on the phone


After that she goes back to talk to Carlos and they're talking for a long time. Everyone leaves because its time to go. Jessica's mom talked to Jessica and said

•Jessica why'd that boy kiss you

•ma I already told you, you said that it was good for me

•no you didn't

•yes I did

(Jessica gets slaped)

Her mom walks way.

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