How It All Started

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Jessica was a girl with depression. She is beautiful but, she couldn't find her beauty. She is a tall,white, girl with blond hair and sky blue eyes. The only reason why she was depressed was because her mom, dad, and grandma. Her mom and dad were never in her life because they went to jail. So her grandma took her custody when she was 9 months old.(Jessica was with her garndma for so long she started calling her mom)

As the years passed she started growing up and started going to school. She was a very bad girl. She got in to trouble often. Actually everyday. She got punished every day. As the years passed instead of punishments she started getting hit with the belt. Well at this point in time she only got hit when she did something bad. She did bad things every day and got hit every day.

In third grade Jessica had the first boyfriend. His name was luis. He was hadsome,tall, he had hazel eyes and light brown hair. He made her see the light she started seeing beauty. She started talking to more people and started getting more friends. She was having lots of fun, more friends and started getting in less trouble. But when she got in less trouble, like not every day, the problems got bigger.

Her mom found out Jessica had a boyfriend her mom beat her so hard she started bleeding. So Jessica had to break up with her boyfriend. They both were mad and sad so he moved to Florida.

One month after Luis left Jessica started talking to another boy. His name was Harry. He looked just like Luis but Harry had brown eyes.(they weren't brothers) Harry was so kind and sweet. One day they were playing at recess behind a tree, she slip and fell on her back, and harry jump on top of her and gave her a small kiss on the lips. That day she felt happy so she told her mom her mom was like that's good for you.(she thought, wow that was better than what I thought) That night her dad calls so she told him the good news (or at least what she though as good news)

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