Meeting Lizzy and drama

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That's Lizzy up there (Merideth Foster)

"Hi I am Lizzy Powers." Lizzy said, and we got into our huge room.

"I am Melissa-Rose Ross." I said.

"Your mother is Margi Ross, fashion designer, model, and your father is a huge movie star, producer, and director. Wow, I love his movies, and her clothes. I am sure you know my parents too. But I just want to be normal, I am just a normal teen, thats what the other rich kids should do, instead of treating people below them like dirt." Lizzy said.

"I know who my parents are, I am just Melissa and thats all. I want to be normal too." I said, and she nodded. We talked for hours, till we fell asleep watching a movie. The next day we got up late got ready and went to get coffee. I walked to the door, and opened the door when that boy who I never got his name who bumped into me bumped into me again and his coffee waiste on me. I screamed it was so hot. He went to get napkins while I cry.

"Let's take you to the nurse." Lizzy said.

"It hurts to move, oh my goodness why does he keep bumping into me." I cried, and he came out and tried to dab my shirt with a napkin but I pushed him away.

"I am so sorry, you need to see a nurse." He said. He picked me up and him and Lizzy took me. The nurse had to take me to the hospital, and I had to get treated. I had a burn on my stomach, and it got ointment, and I had to lay down in bed for three days missinng school for a two days since I got burned on a Sunday. It was Wednesday when I returned and I was twenty minutes late. I went to my room, and put on skinny jeans, a t-shirt, and flats. I curled my hair and got to class. I opened the door. Lizzy saw me and smiled and the teacher looked at me.

"Hi I am Mrs. Lowell you must be our new student who had to go to the hospital. I hope you are okay please introduce yourself." Mrs. Lowell said.

"I am Melissa, and I am from California." I said.

"Melissa what, and where are some places you have been to out of the states, and stuff." She asked.

"Melissa-Rose Ross, I been to Australia, Hawaii, Barcelona, and other parts of Spain, Africa, France, Japan, Jamaica, oh and Cuba." I said.

"Your mom is Margi Ross, and father Marc Ross." That girl who I saw was making out with the guy who gave me a burn.

"Yeah, but here I am just Melissa thats it nothing else." I said.

"How could you say that, I would be happy. Well not that happy my mom is Veronica Lockwood you know A-lister, owns her own fashion line, and actress, also movie star, father has the biggest studio every real, and big music people goes there." She said. I think her name is Amy since it is on that head band of hers, along with the other three witches Lizzy told me about. But she told me they are actually nice when Amy isn't around.

"Oh I met them such nice people when my parents secretary told them your parents wanted to have dinner one day." I said, and smiled.

"Oh that is so nice of them your parents probably begged them to have dinner with them." Amy said.

"No, we were in Barcelona having a wonderful time when my secretary kept calling saying they wanted to have dinner so we left to have dinner. By the way you might want to change chefs he served some horrible salmon, maybe you could get Franq he comes from France the world's best chef he cooks all my meals." I said, and the class laughed.

"Alright class settle down. You have free period while I grade papers." The teacher said. I walked towards Lizzy and sat down next to her and we started talking and I felt someone's hand wrap around my arm. It was Cole.

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